Das hat so viel Spaß gemacht und sie waren so eine tolle Gruppe von Jungs! Ich denke, es würde wirklich Spaß machen, Karazhan mit Gilden weiter zu machen …
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Das hat so viel Spaß gemacht und sie waren so eine tolle Gruppe von Jungs! Ich denke, es würde wirklich Spaß machen, Karazhan mit Gilden weiter zu machen …
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Next chapter:*Retail* make ragnaros great again
eso no es un español xD es un latinoamericano de habla hispana xD
Thank you editor for taking the tine to put subtitles and sift through all this esfandL
what is the addon for annouce boss spells
3:55 haha I like how they are nervous

13:30 "they should bet on who's going to step on the fire "

13:45 did he say corn? "He's telling you to eat a large corn"
that absolutely sent me

This was so wholesome these guys are so nice.
Well… i speak spanish and didnt understand s£¥€t
lmao playing with people from other places and different languages is great, you meet people and make friends, the language barrier doesn't matter, I'm glad to see that you share those moments and that you have encouraged to raid with new ppl man greetings from Argentina
They say, oh Spanish people are chill but once you hear "FUTA Madre" they dying inside. Ahahaha I saw that are you Ron Jeremy question lol.
Ponganse serios jajaja XD
El Chavo hahaha wtf
DUDE this is gold hahaha !
que genial ajjajaja, me lo perdà T_T
Its latino not español…
Son chilenos xD
Lol,as a spanish native speaker I also don't understand a thing, chilean accent is very weird and no one understands it, hahaha
Idk about Esfan but some inside the discord are Argentinians XD nice video is always fun to see this kind of stuff
This video just gave you another sub
hope you play retail as well and you can come along us in Snactum of Domination
One For All (Ragnaros)
Im spanish xD
the mage and warlock really need to step up their damage XD
Ohh. Old wow AND internet friendship vibes. I miss the old internet
No matter where there Will be alwasy an argentinian
Fun fact, my mom went to High School with Ron Jeremy in Queens. and my grandma used to make him cookies and says he used to be such a nice little Jewish boy, But she doesn't know what happened. The similarities are striking! LMFAO
Here I used to be a GM of a Latin American Guild and besides the "friendliness" let me tell you its hell when you go through this every week, even though you put up guides, make clear calls or anything like that… they wont care, they'll wipe and even say that killing bosses is "tryhard" and at this time they may be friendly but they never get any better cause they tend to blame others xD… though for pugging it can be a once in a while fun experience haha (Argentina here). At least I would say it makes for good stream content xD, and the caller was great.