30 Gedanken zu „Die BESTE METHODE, um SMEARGLE jede Bewegung in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond und Shining Pearl beizubringen“
  1. Yo I gotchu with the rawest Smeargle set Marcos.

    Smeargle @ Rusted Sword
    Ability: Intrepid Sword
    Level: 50
    EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
    Jolly Nature
    – Iron Head
    – Sacred Sword
    – Substitute
    – Protect

    Thank me later.

  2. nice vid. my approach was : do double battles with the girls before flower town ( i think its the first double battle of the game) so i can sketch my partner. then go underground, gain 5-10 lvl ( its easy if your smeargle is very low) so that you can learn sketch again and do the process again. that way you dont use heart scales

  3. I want to build an Imprison+Transform smeargle. speaking of which, what’s the best method to be able to sketch Transform?

    Is it just way simpler than I’m realizing or does it require specific finagling to get the order right?

  4. run into the farthest shaking tile right away, to maximize the chance of starting a chain, so you can do all 3 moves one battle after another without having to look for ditto longer every time~
    EDIT: wait nevermind I'm dumb, you can't do that without regaining Sketch between battles anyway XD

  5. There are two ace trainers close to Celestic town on Route 210 that you can rematch for a double battle every time this also works for smeargle learning moves from your other pokemon so you don't have to farm Dittos or bother with the move deleter. The same ace trainers also give a lot of money when you win with amulet coin and they only have one Pokemon each so it's fast. You will need defog

  6. Have had this Smeargle build idea for a while now since Manaphy was announced.. that having a Timid Smeargle with Technican and teach it tail glow… tho I have no idea which base power 60 special moves are best.

  7. So since flabebe got released in go today it got me thinking about it again eternal flower floette would’ve had a signature move called light of ruin in x and y so here’s my thought what if someone hacked their game sketched that move with smeargle and sent that smeargle to bdsp when home comes out I wonder if they would be able to use the move or if it would be illegal 🤔

  8. I just started experimenting with Smeargle and he's so fun to use. For PvE, I have Lock On and Guillotine so Lock On guarantees 100 percent accuracy, and Guillotine guarantees a one shot kill

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