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Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 30 % Rabatt auf Ihre nächste GFuel-Bestellung zu erhalten! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um …
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First+Pin+W video
early as all hell
Yo I was looking for science projects and out of nowhere i stumble upon your vid saying NO VIEWS, so I guess. First
Hi it’s me again if it’s going to be your birthday I’m going to say happy birthday 🎉
shawk is hot
shawk is easily the best
thx for letting me play, i was criedd.
you really make me wanna be better at Siege
Thats why i say taking 1.5 from one attacker and giving that attacker an acog is actually a nerf
new meta new me
your lobbys are sweaty asf
Click bait af
Team Trash
Idk y but sometimes this video's quality is turning into 480p or something automatically. But it still shows 1080p. Is this happening to anyone else?
who tf is you playing with😭