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48 Gedanken zu „ClassiCast #32 | WoW Classic with Creators Omar Gonzalez & Brian Birmingham – The WoW Clasic Podcast“
  1. This is something that really came together at the last second, but it's pretty incredible to think how far the show has come and to not only have someone from Blizzard actually be willing to come on ClassiCast, but the two head guys behind the whole Classic project was a pretty surreal experience. Thank you guys so much for the incredible support, and we're so thankful to have had the opportunity to play a small part in helping bridge the gap between Blizzard and the community over the last year and a half.

  2. Too bad Tips was so transparent trying to pin them on all of his questions so he just got shit answers. Staysafe asks nice open ended question where they can actually feel free to answer.

  3. Wrath was the beginning of the end. However Wrath was still great and it plays and feels essentially the same as TBC and Vanilla. the things they introduced took time to take their toll on the game.

  4. I want a brand new MMO from Blizzard with 2020 graphics with a brand new engine. It would be deeply in the vein of Vanilla WoW but it would be World of Diablo It would be a re branding of wow with mirror classes to play as.

  5. Since were just hours away from the release of world of warcraft classic, i want to thank everyone on this podcast, the guest and developers for the great content over the last two years. You guys really helped the classic cravings for us and even built the hype to a new level. I can't wait for the next episode to hear about all the adventures and stories you'll have from the first weeks of classic. Thank you and see you ingame! 🙂

  6. something i disagree with, and hope for is eventually after phase 6, opening tbc servers – but, no character copy – fresh realms 1-70, no copies or carry overs – fresh start, again – without the classic servers losing its players who move on to tbc

  7. Hi guys I just wanted to ask. Is it ok if I listen to your podcast on my Czechoslovakian gaming stream ? 🙂 Dont want to leech your content without permission. I recently started streaming and probably wont have time to listen offline… big fan <3

  8. Wow 2 doesn’t necessarily mean the death of wow. Guild wars 1 is still very strong player base and guild wars 2 exists. A lot of people still play the old elder scrolls even though eso exists.

    I don’t expect a wow 2 since they cancelled project titan though. Tear.

  9. Love seeing passion from guys who have been at it for over a decade with WoW…didn't expect that!

    While I like the idea of introducing TBC on a separate realms, I'd be concerned that it would splinter the community too much. That being said, if Classic can sustain a strong playerbase (beyond retail), than it might be a great idea: free, one-way transfers from "Vanilla" servers to "TBC" (again, breaking it into phases that lead to the end of the TBC lifecycle…continuing to the final "Classic" expansion: WotLK)

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