Von Esfand

41 Gedanken zu „ClassiCast #29 | Former WoW Class Designer Kevin Jordan & WoW Classic Beta – The WoW Classic Podcast“
  1. Staysafe nothing to say …Kevin speaks… cut him off, all you guys wrong on stream sniping, that's a problem for twitch if other streamers ruin your content, to the WoW staff you're just people who broadcast your location, if you die you die..you can;t ask for protection from the staff guys..that's weak af but you all clung to that point where you said if other streams snipe you it's different/no it's not/ it's problem for twitch. you guys get enough special treatment as streamers in items and ingame content from your fans,,don;t cry about sniping.

  2. A few terms were defined back in the day. Their meaning seems to have been lost over the years.

    Griefing – Hindering the interaction(s) of a player in any way.
    Ganking – Killing a member of the opposing faction by use of an unfair advantage. (Examples: Unreasonable level superiority; while the target is engaged with and/or at low health from a mob or mobs; target is AFK; etc).
    Camping – Purposefully waiting in a specific area to repeat an action. (Corpse-camping is the most common of this occurrence).
    PvP – All other confrontations not defined above.

    All of which are non-bannable offenses that have solutions available within the gameplay mechanics.

  3. "[PVP] is ultimately replayable"

    Before I quit 3 years ago, I would take my character into Halaa and the Hellfire Fortifications all the time, looking for some kind of spontaneous interaction with players that might escalate into a fun-back-and-forth. BGs were prescriptive; Ashran was prescriptive; everything else in the game consisted of players nearby but separated, min-maxing to meet some meta goal.

  4. Esfand! Just gave u my sub, sadly not from subway but still! Pretty please gime a beta key 😉 I promise to play until i can't play no more! You do have one right? He did give you a hundred so please please you beautiful man you. Let me have one. Just one.
    Love you m8! And your pretty hair!

  5. Even only on the most recent stress test i was playing my warrior and people would always share buffs and party up all the time. Was such a cool experience being able to connect with other players and having a blast with people who end up being friends.
    But griefing doesnt always have a solution, how do you deal with capped rogues who camp your spawn for hours, litterally to the point of being unplayable.

  6. I haven't played the beta, but I played alot of Vanilla as a mage, and counterspell and cone of cold especially seemed to not go off/miss an awful lot back in the day. I know, because I have killed many a keyboard in a blind rage after counterspell not working on time or a missed CoC that makes you run back while farming mobs. xD

  7. is anyone else thinking about the classic wow [ bnet – friends list ] on the stress test. there are no filter options, show/hide, separation from in-game to launcher friends. anyone with more then 20 friends who don't play wow will be currently required to scroll through those people not playing the game you are interested in using the list for at that moment. this is time consuming and adds up since it requires you to scroll, which interrupts key binds during game play if you use a multi-button mouse and scroll to cast which allows typing normally while killing mobs. opinion is make it a separate tab with streamer show/hide support for realID.

  8. The dazzling longsword story is pretty unrealistic. On a fresh server if an epic boe item that is worth a hell of a lot of gold drops, an item that hugely tribute to your epic mount, of course everyone should need on it. Doesn't matter if there is tank who could use it. Not on a fresh server when everyone is dirt poor. Boe Epics are for everyone to roll on. Also no guarantee that the tank in this case would even equip it( famous player so he would I guess but in general you have no clue). They might as well just say they needed it then sell it in AH for lots of gold.

  9. I find this funny truly I do. Wow is a clone period. I am sorry you don't get it but wow is and was easy mode ever quest. Ultima online and the original AA where the platform everquest cloned and honed. Right now on TLP servers in EQ you can log in and assume your role in groups with 50 60 and yes 70 year old gamers. WoW in all it's glory was a watered down version of a driven community. It started the trend as all did to be more enclusive or ie make more money because more can play and accomplish because of ease. I will never be rank 14 again seriously just will never happen because I have a life and arthritis lol. I think streamers driven by financial real life gains is a real issue but could also be a good issue. I will be casual to med core I guess and don't like big mouth idiots who talk trash to real people while they get stream paid to play a video game. Those people are useless and mean zero to me. I just hope there are mature older players around whom don't care that this week I play 8 hours and next week 32 hours. I wish you all luck and just remember you didn't beat me cupcake your macro did!

  10. 2:27 ok look it's simple. You have E sports set to separate world with it's own rules based around said tournaments. Then you simply portal from your server into the tournament server. Look at HWS server for Empyrion galaxtic survival where you can in game portal from the NA server to the EU server and back.

  11. 18:48 You are really out of touch with other MMOs if you truly believe the "sense of community" is gone from the genre as a whole.
    It's certainly not gone from FF14, ESO or GW2 for that matter.
    FF14 for exemple regularily has people create "Learning Raids" to help new player do the new content. And it's none of that LFR shit that makes everything braindead easy with randos.

  12. During the whole "big guy standing on top of a flight master" conversation, how did no one bring up that you can just zoom into first person, walk inside that person, and click the flight master?

  13. Hey! I was wondering if anyone knows whether or not dual spec will be a thing in classic wow? Was it tested in the demo? (Not meant to trigger people as I know it was used in vanilla as a gold sink) Thanks! 🙂

  14. Hey Esfand, I am not playing WoW anymore (I did play a couple of years ago, so I know of your videos from when I played vanilla) but I know you're a Christian and something happened to me recently, I wanted to share it with you (sorry it's off topic to WoW :P):

    I was out riding my bike around 2 months ago, and I am fairly new to this area where I live now. I was riding along an area I am not familiar with and I just felt that "not home" feeling, like this is 'alien' to me. I did not like it but the thought just hit my mind "Jesus is…" and as soon as I said that to myself I looked up to my right and a big sign in someones lawn said "COMING SOON!" I started laughing so much! 🙂

    I was just trying to tell myself "Well, Jesus is with me" – Like, He is with me no matter where I go, but I didn't get to finish the line because the "COMING SOON!" caught my eye right after I said to myself "Jesus is…"
    – I mean, it just flowed together seamlessly. "Jesus is" I look up a millisecond later "COMING SOON!" This is no coincidence. 🙂 Read below for the rest:

    I spoke to my mother on the phone and told her about it. She said "That's confirmation!" and, it was then I just remembered that I asked Jesus (in prayer) the day before this happened if it was REALLY Him that said "Soon, child, soon" to my mother some months back? She got that word in her heart when she was wondering if it really was pre-trib rapture or not. I wanted Him to confirm it, if He could. Looks like that was the confirmation! 🙂

    So, my friend, be ready! It could happen any day now, but as I tell others about this, "soon" is subjective, so it could be longer than many assume. Anyway, just be ready every day! Tell your family! Tell your friends!

    Another post I made concerning some of the prophetic signs showing:

    The End Times are here: Mockers will mock, but: The last 2000 years (roughly), Israel was not even a nation to fulfill prophecy. In 1948 Israel became a nation. These times are way different than any time in the last 2000 years. These mockers need to hear / know this specific detail.

    John writes, in Revelation 11:9, that the two witnesses will be dead in the street of Jerusalem, and "EVERY NATION, TRIBE AND LANGUAGE OF PEOPLE" will see them for 3 1/2 days there. Never, in the last 2000 years (or any time in history), did the entire world have the ability to visually see one spot on Earth at once; not until man invented TV, cameras (on phones, of course), World Wide Web, etc. This happened in roughly the same century as Israel becoming a nation again. So John, 'somehow' knew man would have this ability one day, and back in 90 A.D., they didn't even have electricity, let alone TVs, World Wide Web, cameras on phones, etc. Man did not even have this ability 200 years ago! John got this information from the One Who is outside of time, the Creator of all: God Almighty! Of course. 🙂

    Now Russia, Turkey and Iran (plus a couple other African nations, which are muslim) are allies, for the first time in history, and these nations are also prophesied about attacking Israel one day. One only need look at the news over there in the last 2 years to see this can easily happen now! Just a "coincidence" these nations become allies only after Israel became a nation? No coincidence at all. 🙂

    Only today do you see people (including the pope) trying to form one world religion! Never did you see that in the last 2000 years on such a scale. Only today will you see the likelihood of a one world government very soon to come. Could it have happened just 150 years ago? No way.

    The sheer cultural acceptance of immorality – abortion (baby murder), homosexuality, transgenderism, pornography, fornication, neo-feminazism -> breaking up of the family unit, etc. – skyrocketing JUST within the last 50 years is further clear evidence that these are the end days.

    All prophesied in the bible, nearly 2000 years ago.

    Back to modern technology. When people had read about "the mark of the beast" some 300+ years ago, they probably assumed it'd simply be some type of ink mark you stamp on your skin. The KJV bible has written that this "mark" is put INSIDE the right hand or forehead. Well, with modern technology and the microchip, only seen today, and never any other time in history of man, could this make sense to effectively keep track of people out there. If it was simply an ink mark, people could've faked it easily. Not today, with modern technology + GPS tracking systems, facial recognition technology, fingerprint scanning, DNA testing, etc.

    The lie of evolution, mainly took off especially in the last 100 years, sinking into most societies, giving rise to larger quantities of atheists. This lie (of evolution) which now gives them confidence that God supposedly "doesn't exist," thus they gleefully ignore prophecy. Look at what happened with dictators like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and many others. All atheists or ones who had confidence God does not exist (due to the lie of evolution), thus they commit their heinous acts without worry of being judged afterward. This is why there are so many dictatorships (and elite cultist groups) today that will do what they want and will laugh at anyone trying to say the God written of in the bible is going to judge them for it. The lie of evolution coming about, again, only within the last 150 years is also no coincidence. This is helping fulfill prophecy.
    Check the videos in the top row of playlists on my channel for more information countering the lie of evolutionism religion. 🙂

    Daniel (12:4) wrote that man would "travel to and fro, and knowledge would increase." This could really only stand out, again, in the last century. Sure, there was advancements in knowledge and technology in the last 1500 years (throughout all of human history, really), but only in the last 100 years did it REALLY skyrocket. They were riding horse and carriage (as they have for millennia before) just 150 years ago. NOW we have cars, planes, high speed electric / magnetic trains, space rockets, etc. We can travel around the world in a single day. I'd say that is clearly the "knowledge increase" and the "traveling to and fro" Daniel wrote about (which God told him to). It's pretty obvious! 🙂

    Many in WWII thought it was 'the end,' but they forgot to understand that Israel had to be a nation first! Thus even many Christians were wrong over the centuries, just on that one point alone.

    So when the mockers say anything to you about "nothing happening for 2000 years" be sure to bring up these points. Do more research on how these times are very special compared to any other time in history when concerning bible prophecy signs showing.

    It's not enough to just have head knowledge about Jesus, the bible, etc. You need to become born again of Jesus' Holy Spirit in your heart to enter into the Kingdom of God. Many people out there, including catholics, do not even teach this extremely important fact. Please pray to Jesus right now and genuinely open your heart to Him; receive Him into your heart right now. 🙂 It's about personally knowing Him on an intimate level! <– That is true Christianity.

  15. 1:05:10 Original WoW dev Kevin talks about how the game was always designed to be a social experience with social solutions to problems, NOT GM or POLICY solutions.
    He talks about how being camped or greifed is NOT against the TOS (originally) and how there are social solutions to those problems (like asking friends to help kill a camper).

  16. funny watching this video now in 2021. They were talking as if there would be almost a 50/50 split between people that would continue playing classic and people that would migrate to tbc. What do we actually see? 99% of players have left for TBC. I think this is really unnatural. Obviously maybe 50-75% of the player base would naturally get tired of classic and want the new cool thing. But more like 99% of players have left. This is a combination of Blizzard's marketting and herd mentality. I find it really bizarre that we went from "vanilla sucks and it should never return" to "wooo go classic!!! Classic forever!!! No changes!" to "you still play classic, what a loser?"

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