Von Esfand

41 Gedanken zu „ClassiCast #23 | Former CM Ythisens on Blizzard and WoW Classic – The WoW Classic Podcast“
  1. Also can I just say this guy doesn't know fucking Jack and all he does is assume assume assume assume the guy isn't telling us anything. Besides the only people that want to go back and play this original games are the jack off that never did anything or never experienced it basically these are the people that want to go back and jack off the rest of us have moved on with their lives

  2. Hey Esfand love ya mate you fun to watch full of info and hilarious! at some stage can you ask or bring up oceanic servers? like surely they will do it right?? the reason the private server scene is so dead for aussies is due to playing on 350-400ms its just not fun.. and i want these new classics to run with the oceanic servers but ive googled and searched so much i cant find any information regarding this at all.. but im scared of how they will do it.. too many servers for oceanic will spread the players out too much no servers for us will make alot of us not play it.. and we want to play it… we really want to play it but not with horrible latency..

  3. 2:27:55 Saying modern wow is harder based on the number of mechanics seems wrong to me. While without addons this is probably true, it is generally assumed that people are using sophisticated addons and the bosses are designed to account for this. Yes there were addons back in Classic but they did not make raiding seem as "follow my instructions to win", as say something like DBM, does now.
    As a result, to make the bosses beatable by players back then, they couldnt have that many (also might have been limited by tech as well). Bosses now require many mechanics just to challenge the addons.

  4. i don't see a problem with sharding in the beginning because the game is goin to be a huge shit fest at the start. 50% of the people won't even want to play the game they will just log on to annoy and crash servers (especially since they aren't having a box release). give it 2-3 months and servers will be fine.

  5. I'd love to see new Classic content, post Naxx but only horizontal content as I'm not convinced that having better than Naxx gear is an intelligent choice. Tons of specs lack itemization choices even after full itemization through progression. Likely combined with announcing TBC as well. Not important talk for now however. Launch with no changes for the most part, and get through progression.

  6. Have a second chance to come back as a mature player Have another chance at ''life'' even if it is in game Everyone want to experience youth feeling as a adult and do everything right this time around.Back then rushing crazy hours working young man playing on potato ,now adult stable easy job playing on good gear.Can't wait.

  7. Can we talk about the character textures in Classic? Would it be a good idea to be able to choose from the old textures & the new ones? It is just a change to textures and would not make a very big difference since you are the only one who can see the textures you choose from. Imo a very good idea

  8. battlegroups are fine. i remember names from tbc from other realms who i saw in bgs all the time. and if you look at pservers… 10k ppl online but only 1 bg in 10-19 is open mostly. how many bgs will be open in lowlevel areas when theres a much much lower pop cap? it would be dead. bgs would be a only lvl 60 thing which is not good.

  9. I don't know if I can bring myself to give Blizzard any more money. Maybe when Classic comes out I'll be able to convince myself to play but I wish Blizzard wasn't such a joke.

  10. If sharding is used in classic I will not play. You can not make a good reason for sharding to be in classic. So we had to wait to get our kills in with so many people that was part of Vanilla and to change it makes it another game.

  11. dear esfand: please start breathing through your nose. the constant background huff huff heavy breathing you do in the background not only distracts but also doesn't sound all too healthy and i am concerned.

  12. Classic WoW has been delayed . The next day the nuclear apocalypse happened as a result lol. The classic team literally has the fate of the world in their hands 😛

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