Von Esfand

34 Gedanken zu „ClassiCast #10 | Is BFA Drawing Inspiration From Classic WoW? – The WoW Classic Podcast“
  1. Guys please, don´t talk about GCD if you don´t raid mythic or are a high rated arena player.
    All the GCD change does is make you wait to press a spell that you WILL press anyway, it slows down the feel/combat NOT the decision.

    Let´s say: You see an arena enemy throw his ranged stun at you (as a healer) and you pre-def CD it because you paided attention, in legion you outplaed him, in BfA he hits you and will force your trinket because you were GCD locked! Where is the planning and decision making there? You can´t stand there and wait in PvP or mythic raids, you will always be GCD locked if something happens, the difference is that you had off-GCD spells for those situations.

    Another example (that happened to Preach): He tanks a 5-man, big pull of mobs. He gets smacked for 30% hp, everything is fine, then he gets smacked again but to 5% hp (he has big def CD ready), healer is casting still, he mouses over his def heal and spams it, boom dead because he got hit again before the GCD from his last spell was finished. He died in one GCD from 50%+ to 5% hp to 0%, all his fault because he casted an AoE spell to hold aggro and didn´t wait doing nothing just in case he had to use a def CD instantly.

    Most off-GCD spells are rotational utillity or defensive spells and it should stay that way.

  2. Oh also the skittish affix for some reason doesn't really get affected by the new threat changes, the new low threat doesn't really just makes the normal threat closer to the skittish threat multiplier

  3. I dont agree with your stance on PvP gear and it going back to a token system. One of you said something to the effect of "oh it sucked to run PvP and maybe the gear drops for you and maybe it doesnt" ok…. welcome to how raiding loot has always been. Raiders might run their raid and the item not drop at all, or it drops and youre competing against others for that item. After its all said and done, you have to wait another week for another shot at it. Even if PvP had to hope for their drop, at least they can keep chopping away at it until they get it. Its not as though they had to wait another week for a shot at the loot. IMO its already easy enough. A token system is just a minimal effort system and PvP players got spoiled for so long that they arent used to the level of chance that comes with unknown drops.

  4. I’ll have to disagree with the assessment of combat or at least the thought process of “hit it as it lights up. It’s like diablo”. My biggest complaint of combat for the last 2 xpacs is how twitchy combat feels. I make far more split second decisions that can significantly decrease my output. You absolutely cannot just spend resources as you get them unless you’re about to cap.

    You’re far more likely to run 3 different weakauras to track all your procs. Relying on audio and visual cues as well as what phase you’re at with a boss having to ask yourself “okay do I spend my resources now? Do I spend them on the next phase?” You can screw your self out of multiple whole percentage points of overall damage by simply not understanding how to spend the resources.

    It’s why I actually miss classic. It’s far simpler and I can focus less on addons etc and just focus on the content because bliss created this twitchy content with intense mechanics.

  5. Low servers are FAR better for communities. Its no different than small towns VS large cities… People are a valuable resource when they are rare. Look at the countries who have the worst rights and hummanity. These are the countries that are overcrowded and overpopulated.

  6. WOAH, I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING! What if you had the choice to queue on server realm or to queue crossrealm? that way, you can always choose crossrealm if que times are ass. OR even have RESTRICTIONS! on queing for CRossrealm, like at 15 minutes wait time f.eks. or something like that. would love to hear you're thoughts on it!

  7. Question for you I know you've touched on before but never really hit hard in the videos (which i love ClassiCast). What are your thoughts on addons in classic? such as healbot, questie, auctioneer, etc…? I would prefer, at least for the first 6 months to 1 year of release, that addons be disabled, allowing/making players and communities converse more and develop themselves as players. I'd like to see server economies develop organically rather than everyone having auctioneer and being thrown off by a few over or under payers for certain items like rare find recipes. Also, healbot and to a lesser extent threatmeter, took alot of healer skill out of the game (lvl 60 BWL/AQ priest). I appreciated the challenge of me having to manage my mana pool and mp5 rates to stay at 75%+ mana in order to spam higher ranked heals should a hunter miss a tranq and the next hunter is slow to react. Healbot made it easier for less skilled players to perform near me and guilds to make add-ons mandatory, which I didn't like. I know I'll get crucified as a purist here, but I like the challenge of play rather than a program telling me, "hey heal this guy with this spell" or automating spell casts and sequencing.

  8. ESFAND It's Atrus. I love classicast. I just started listening to Countdown to Classic and he name dropped you in the third episode or something and it made me think of you so I was delighted to see you guys started your own podcast too. Can't wait to walk backwards into trash mobs on Golemagg with you when Classic launches <3. Save a raid slot for me. I'll be the fresh 60 casual paladin in greens with no flask.

  9. Hey Esfand, I LOVE the Classicasts and I'm catching up on them all. Words can't describe what Classic WoW means to me, and I know you understand that. I want to know how you feel about websites like wowhead and the effect they'll have on the game. I know back in the day thottbot and alakazam (was that the name?) were in their early days. I remember using them but, either because I was 12 or because they were primitive, they weren't as detailed and informative as they are today. Wowhead will tell everyone exactly where to go for class quests, attunements and so on, reducing in-game communications. I don't see any way we can avoid them. I'd just like your thoughts and if this has been discussed in an already recorded Classicast I'd love to know which one. Thanks!

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