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24:05 Kaid using mouse and keyboard
Im playing on ps4 but I hope Xbox win idk why
At 9:44 mins Mira leaned without aiming you can only do that on keyboard
R we gonna ignore true craze side peeking without ads?
This vid felt like watching a bronze pc ranked match
mira hip leaned in bunker first game lol
7:15 sus leaning like a mnk
My Xbox homies lost
Masamitsu is on xbox with ps controller
I’m not into sports or E-sports at all so normally idc who wins but for this one I’m all for PlayStation
4:30 bro Craze is leaning without aiming and he doesn't have a flash in his hand???
Is he using mnk???
9:44 was not a controller
Truecraze is pc player
Ps had to cheat
I haven’t even watched the entire video, I’m only 4 minutes in but a problem I have with this is not everyone has the same set up, if everyone was sitting at a desk with the same monitor, headset and computer it would be different and without actually being there with the players there’s no way to tell what kind of input they’re using. I highly doubt they would disconnect their MnK just to use the controller
it looks like trueCraze is on MnK in this clip 9:44 its prob a spectader glicht
can’t wait for pc to come in so i can play siege again
Playstation was leaning without aiming so there on keyboard right?
Imagine cheating in custom game
Put jynx in
So if there all using controller, how did the thunderbird lean wothout aim in the 3rd round
7:13 the truecraze literally leans without ads xim player once again
TrueCraze was on MnK he leaned without aiming many times
7:14 was he hipfire leaning?? cus if he is then buddy was not using a controller
True craze is using mnk 9:40 he is leaning without ads LOL
22:05 ps cheating
Flores downed ash on the 4th round of Oregon