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Chunky the type of silver that should be gold but solo queues and gets ass teammates.
Man said you got 2v1 by a silver an you’re both champ
I love how in these videos the “silvers” play better than the random Plats I get as teammates xD
Maybe people are just better than we give them credit for. There's too much elitist when people are in high ranks.
im unranked but at my best can beat a diamond 2 in a gun fight with a plat 3 also in the mix in a 1v4
Pure Chester is not a champ though, in fact he has never been champ :/ and Chunky is a gold 2 on that account that's definitely a smurf!
chester is .7 d3 wym champ
Your teammate isnt on your level
Chunky is one of those silvers who's actually plat but solo queue'd their way down to silver
what headphones ar u using?
You are champs why are you even playing with
Dude Chunky dosent have much time in the game and he has climbed to gold 1 since this vid
Shawk reminds me of that one teammate that complains the whole game, blames it on his team or on the fact that he is tired, and calls people trash when he’s losing to them
14:20 lol those callouts were awesome lol i need to memorize rooms
Now 1 Champion vs 5 coppers xD
Chunky is a plat 3 I looked in r6 tracker
Chunky is a huge L
Why Shawk look like Joakim Noah?
i just searched up chunkys stats hes plat 3 lmao
No shit I'm p1 iv played with the chunky guy lmao
I haven't watched yet but 2 champions can easily smoke 5 silvers no problem
26:48 “what’s the point in that” he ask in confusion as he was bamboozled by the silvers 1000IQ play lmaooo.
Very hard to believe chunky was a silver lol
Chunky's account being Plat loool
These are the silvers my game finds for me to play every time ong
did he just say 10 4
You need to get Chunky a Ranked team to help him get out of the Silver/Gold Loop, theres no way that hes that good and is a genuine Silver.
Shawk cries so much
Says he can’t say he’s a Smurf but when he loses he’s officially a Smurf lmao
Hate when people make excuses, guess champions aren’t that good
no shot ur champion no offense
Can you make a video about how every elo build defense on Chalet top floor?
only shawk would have a r6 video with 1440p60. bro truly cares
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