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BM & SURVIVAL HUNTER 9.1 PvP Guide | Best Race, Talents, Covenant, Soulbind, Conduits, Gear & Macros

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MM: well that’s rude
whats secondbest covenant?
Thank You!
I wanna see that ww monk guide just lvling on up almost 50 lol
Can you please upload a destruction warlock guide
no need for a 13 minute guide read this
Press flayed shot
pet stun
pop cds/on use
kill shot and serpent sting for damage
that’s it
Pls can you do a demo warlock guide
Feral druid???
Dont want to downvote, but not going to upvote. This guide is honestly as basic as it gets.
im still night fae
Most retarted class in SL by far .
Got 2200 without landing a single trap on my bm, ty now gonna be r1
BM hunter is way too overtuned atm, if blizzard wasn’t too busy harassing females all day they should nerf it a bit
Why does noone talk about MM? My hunter is ilvl 213, one shotting 226+ ilvl dudes with the buffs they made to hunter.
Don't tell me someone need guide for playing hunt
3QS: 1)shall I use an /petattack in all dmg abilities, once my pet is in arena its always passive can i fix this? 2)are u using arcane shot only f ret when he uses bop? 3)is it rng what i purge wuth tranq shot (1enrage 1magic effect)? THX great videos!:)
BM guide? XD LOL press cobra shot and barbed shot/venthyr skill on cd, dont even need cc to win 90% 2v2 games
What music track is this in the background?
Any reason why you would play a survival hunter over bm hunter? Performance wise.
so wheres mm guide :)))
will someoen help me get rank with my bm hunter?
Don't see the point in haste with bm
Is there a PVE guide?
I’m new to pvp and this really helps introduce it to me! I really enjoy all your vid formatting which is pretty simple