Von SpookLuke

43 Gedanken zu „APPARENTLYJACK Talks How To Go PRO In ROCKET LEAGUE… The Freeplay Podcast #3 ft. ApparentlyJack“
  1. This Is the First Time for me that i've Heard someone Say to train to be the carry i've spent over 4k hours of my 5k (btw i left the game for 1+ year that's why i have tons of hours but I'm still no One) total Just in training Just to be that carry but no One ever said to me that's the right thing to do but i never listened to them and finally i found someone that believes in that training, honestly i feel really releaved to hear this for the First Time in 3+ years i Hope to be someone One day, atm I'm a High gc2 (Just generally in skill not ranked) and i really don't care much about ranked I'm Just focused in being the best version of my self. My dream Is to become the next player to learn a lot from. Thank you jack for your words.

  2. I really hope everyone knows how high risk trying to “go pro” in any game is. Your time could be spent much wiser into something better. I don’t mean it negatively if you know the risks of wasting all that time to never get anything out of it and still want to try then go for it!! But it is one of the most high risk low return endeavors you could possibly choose.

  3. What if you were the type of person that wanted to be both? I practice a ton on mechanics to make goals from ground shots all the way to double flip resets. But I always try to play smart and use mechanics in specific situations…

    Edit: I typed this before he said to be an all around player my bad. But on another note I love being any position my teammates don’t want to play. I grind EVERYTHING I just want to be able to do anything I want whenever I want.

  4. Hearing Jack talking about demo’ing and using it or countering it reminds me that i was playing ranked and shooting for demos. The opposite team was getting mad and toxic that i was doing that and ff’d. I didnt mind because we won lol!

  5. Jack is the best! Says a lot of things I feel in my bones. Lol demo's is like blitzing in the NFL. High risk, high reward. It works and it's tough, but the best QBs are so good at countering it, like Mahomes, Brady, that teams stop doing to for the most part. For the NBA it's the double team. Doing it on prime Harden worked, but doing it on Curry is pointless. RL is its own beast. Demoing as a team is epic, when its in rotation and high leverage situations.

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