24/7 PRO Fortnite Coaching hier: Dieses Video erklärt Ihnen 5 sehr häufige, aber zu wenig genutzte …
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24/7 PRO Fortnite Coaching hier: Dieses Video erklärt Ihnen 5 sehr häufige, aber zu wenig genutzte …
© Artikelquelle
2:49 lol that was innocents
do you think being left handed player is disadvantage , because i don't think i improve as much as other players when i am playing left handed . Is switching to right hand better or should i just find a left handed mouse and try to work with that
I actually LOVE Keith Alan!
Alans my favorite he helped become a god
Last season i started watching you and now I am getting so many more dubs
Come sub I’m tryna make it big on YouTube I post good fortnite vids
3:13 idk wtf you guys at pro guides are thinking (gameplay)
This guy is so cheesy…. It's too bad cause the content is good but it's provided in such a cheesy way
Your crush will kiss you tomorrow or soon

レïκε αηd šuß †⊕ ας†ï∀α†ε
Your video's are so helpfull guys you are amazing!! And I really want to know what is the color blind and the brightness in your gameplays plz.
Litteraly nobody:
Pro guides: hey we have a small announcement
We need more controller tips plz.
can you do a guide on how to stop overbuilding
number 1: shockwave play
me: but i never find any
Bro I have g502 and whenever I scroll down it goes for too long making the wall to remain edit mode ,and I trip over my keys
You know the best way to improve is just belive in ur self and practice and grind that's how the pros did it why don't you
which mouse and sens?
Pro guides app ?? Plz i need it on android and iphone
My new video is INSANE!!!!
Boy, u're my fave Coach.
Your Video are rly helpful, but I don't want to spend money on stuff like this :/, so I would bei very happy, If you would Bring Back some courses, that were die free Back then or that you could buy with These pro Points (Idk what they are called)
And please, please, please Bring Back the dayly "pro Points" gift
I recently switched to keyboard and mouse and I've been watching your proguedes since season 6 your a big help to me and with your videos I'm gonna keep improving
Yess Keith my mann
I stayyy straight watching these
Roses are red violets are blue and someone liked my comment… Wait why is it blue?
the description : very common but under used? how can something be very common but not used?
While I was watching this tfue makes a vid called let me crank
your videos never actually start until 2 minutes in lol
I actually used these tips and now i can outsmart my friends, thanks ProGuides!!
3:35 I just faze through the stairs so I am able to shoot them and they would not exspect it
Can you make a video on how to not panic during fights ?
Hey Pro guides, can you please make a free trial for the pro pass and make it so you can get it with points thanks
Check BH woods out he have good tutorials
You guys fucked this video up bad. None of the replays or most of them don’t even match up to the tips given.
Why did pro guides turned into beginners guides?
Do video on controller settings plz
4:22 why does it not allow me to bind to actions to the same keys.
You boys remember when Keith Alan got triggered because people called him “Mr. Alan” lol
The best hghground retake is breaking ur opponent down

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Name hella_funny_