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Schauen Sie sich meinen brandneuen Merch-Shop an! Ich habe einen Discord erstellt, damit ihr mit mir reden könnt!
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13:42 “hello there” xd
Leth: we don’t script content
Also Leth: lEMme tHroW tHis 4-3
you guys are cute together
I've never seen a picture of Rapid, and only have his voice to go on, so it is my assumption that he is a large cartoon dog
Oh my goddd! Hahhaaaa. This vid is so funny.. xD
Rapid sounded like a total drug dealer in the end haha
Rapid Wheeze-et. My guy laughs like the Penguin from Toy Story 2.
I got to say intro is fire
Would you please do a video showing us your controller settings and controller Bind
Rapid was definitely that kid who said truce then took a cheap shot when the other person stopped fighting
Rapid sounds like patrick star
2! = 1*2 = 2
Lehymer, what’s the song for your new intro called
rapid: "giggling"
leth: stop giggling man
rapid: "giggling"
Make rocket league mirage or some other map
That Intro is a downgrade
Rapid wheezing is funny as hell lol
Leph can you please check out my YouTube channel I have only recently started and I would really appreciate it thank you
In this video Rapid reminds me of that Key and Peele character
The murderer in the hall of mirrors
Am i the only one to imagine Rapid as the perfect voice to interpret Sans from Undertale ?
You should play more hoops!
Just a reminder to go sub to Rapid, hes a hilarious youtuber and he uploads every couple days, he has less than 2k subs so be sure to show him love
Rapid: giggles
Leth: "I can feel the dark side growing…"
I thought the biggest throw was when first killer let you come back on him after telling you to try.
I feel like rapid is lethamyr on nitrous oxide
Why do I feel like leth was really annoyed by rapid lol
Love the hoops content
10/10 rapid definitely got in your head
Rapid laughing sounds like goofy from goofys trial
Why you gotta be a red car when you’re on blue? It’s confusing.
Chill song at 2:00?
I’ll cash app Rapid 20 bucks if he says “All State, Are You In Good Hands?”
Rapids giggling is the funniest thing if this video, then the whole "dude dude, give me two goals, let's make it even. Dude cmon."
This is too funny

I'm officially unsubscribing because you're kind of regularly an asshole on public platforms. See ya
The laugh at the beginning is the same laugh Rapid was doing when he was scamming people for hundreds and hundreds of keys
He totally was in your head man hahahaha
Rapid is Scar from Lion King IRL
Rapid: I’m ready for every single situation that I get put into.
hits ball to the wall leaving open shot for leth
Rapid: Frick frick frick frick frick