Von Lethamyr

26 Gedanken zu „You Will Not Believe How DIFFICULT This *NEW* Map is!“
  1. If you guys want to see the 150% speed version (it's so much harder), let me know! Otherwise I recently started up a Patreon account to help fund making bigger and better maps, if you're able to help out I like to give back to you guys in any way I can! https://www.patreon.com/Lethamyr I'm also live right now going for 150% no deaths 😀 Come say hi!

  2. You should try equalizing your voice. I try to watch your videos on my sound system and it's like the mid-low end seems boosted or something. I have to turn the videos up louder than necessary to make out what you're saying

  3. 0ooommmeeebbbeee

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