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Ion admits game needs to be more alt friend. JEEZ Wonder which previous expansion I heard that throughout. Blizzard hasn't learned anything. Let's face it the devs will do whatever the ** they want. Ion was completely dismissive of nearly all player issues saying basically that every shitty system they designed "needed tuning at most", nevermind the fact that it's all borrowed power that will be tossed out by the time it has any semblance of being finished.
huge no for the 5v5
Who cares if solo q will be broke? It would still be better than sitting in lfg for hours to play one game. No solo q in 2021 is gigakappa
Ion LOL god of satisfied
SoloQ 5v5 would be the fix to all problems in PvP's participation issues
This guy sounds exactly like the info graphic show dude
If it is a skill issue then remove the effectiveness of gear completely and let them show their skills in the arena or mythic + progression can be made by titles achievements cool mounts to show off your „skill„
time to fucking replace Ian hazzicostas
I’m glad I’m not the only one with this sentiment. I adore PVP and it’s about the only thing I really do in WoW. But shadowlands PVP? Horrendous. Shadowlands PVP is basically running into people and hoping they’re not mythic geared or heroic geared because for us normies that work too much to raid and don’t have the friends for mythic dungeons / arenas ? It’s rough. Past XPacs I was able to gear and maintain gear without stupid grinding working 12 hour shifts, now? It’s not even worth my time to log in.
Hundreds of games… try higher..
feels like 90% of the blizzard ppl are senile n have no idea wtf is going on ingame.. druids convoke needs to get rekt, rogue cheapshots you n you die within the 3s unless you trink, but if you do trink you'll get spammed with so many other cc's it's ridiculous…
So a wow dev says players suck well I don't know about that but I can tell that wow dev what to suck that's for sure. The game is a flop it's trash they fucked it up but ain't got the balls to admit that it does how bout that dev go suck on those fair deal if you ask me.
The problem with Ian and the WOW Dev team is that they do not respect their player base. They think we're stupid, they don't respect our time, they think we are simple minded, and they think they know it all.
In every interview for the last 10 years they have been agreeing that WOW is alt-unfriendly for many years now, and they have never fixed it. That's because they are liars. They never intended WOW to be alt friendly, because they think their player base is dumb enough to regrind already completed content just to play another class. They do not respect our time.
They say they don't want overly-complex systems yet this expansion they give us the most complex gearing and skill system ever. They lock our characters from becoming completed classes unless we grind endlessly through their covenant, renown, and legendary systems. Again they don't respect us or our time, they think we are stupid enough to want to waste our time this way.
At this point I am sick of their lies and their stupid systems. Most of my WOW friends went to FFXIV and they love it. FFXIV may have it's own problems but at least their dev team respects their player base. FFXIV's players love their game and they love their dev team. Does WOW's player base love their game and love their dev team? Hell no. I never thought I would see the day that FFXIV would kill WOW, but their dev team has improved their game dramatically over the years and I'm seriously considering switching boats.
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Blizzard devs just are not doing a good job. They road the wave of a passionate fan base to billions of dollars. Their free ride is over.
If they had kept the scaling pvp armor it might not be that bad. But 8/10 games it's against teams maxed out arena or rbg players and it's auto one shots. This does not make people want to keep playing this game.
wow pvp sucks its all premades or pay 2 carry i cant stand wow pvp anymore.
other mmos have better pvp then wow.