Zeitstempel unten ————————– Ma’ruk Wyrmscale – 1:00 Leech Widow – 2:13 Gnawbone – 3:27 Mirelow – 4 :23 Garneg …
© Artikelquelle

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Zeitstempel unten ————————– Ma’ruk Wyrmscale – 1:00 Leech Widow – 2:13 Gnawbone – 3:27 Mirelow – 4 :23 Garneg …
© Artikelquelle
Love how some rares just have insane amounts of hp
These are so informative i love them. Keep it up.
Love these videos, love the map. Well done
Can't wait to show of my knowledge of rares to my friends when Classic comes out haha
You should ad and intro witht the lore of the zone
Would love to see a video with rares on dungeons
The only thing I hate is, that you don't release them every day 😀 Great work as always!
Merry Chrismas 🙂
Love watching these rare spawn locations to pass the time
Just kill them with normal frostbolt, stop using r1 frostbolt..
dont stop making videos youre doing great love u <3 kiss kiss hug hug ball lick ball lick
These are some very quality videos, thanks.
Thanks for doing these bro
Great video never traveled the wetlands ive always played horde but damn some of those mobs have tons of health def need 2 players to take down
4:14 ''IMPORTANT Letter!'' ??
🙁 wetlands is one of my favorite zones
Why mention the wristguards for shaman and hunter yet not rogue at the end? Shaman don't get ap from agility in vanilla and rogues get one from both strength and agility.
Says belts are hard to come by, then loots belt from chest right after first rate. LOL just messin around. Awesome videos bro.
Seriously why bother us with rarest who loot is crap ffs. Useless
The fact that a zone can be “murky & depressing” is a testament to how good WoW is.
To this day, the wetlands remains one of my least explored zones, I have no reason to go there other than passing through
love your rare mob videos – more plx
please make these for the rest of the zones leading up to Vanilla launch, I am yet to find a single source or website that are as well done. complete or informative as your videos.
Great Videos keep it up 🙂 but also is it just me or are Alliance zone Rares just better in regards to loot then Horde zone rares ?
Mail item Whit str is for ?
Thank you for making these awesome rare hunting guides!! I love trying to find rares with them as I pass through various zones ^.^
whats leech widows spawn timer???
cool vid mate
This channel should literally have 100x the amount of subs that it does
Some of the best wow videos out there