Zeitstempel unten ————————– Creepthess – 0:51 Big Samras – 1:38 Tamra Stormpike – 2:30 Ro’Bark – 3 :31 Scargil – 4:22 …
© Artikelquelle

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Zeitstempel unten ————————– Creepthess – 0:51 Big Samras – 1:38 Tamra Stormpike – 2:30 Ro’Bark – 3 :31 Scargil – 4:22 …
© Artikelquelle
Hell yeah
Sick vid as usual dude love the smooth camera angles and great info too! Definitely hitting all these locations when I’m streaming some classic wow next !! 😀
Great zone, great vid!
Shame about the rare's loot 🙁
Keep up the outstanding work
Every rare boss should be a challenge and have a story and reason to why they're bosses.
That's how a good MMO become great.
Wish I could get my games made.
Alterac Mountains just above has that rare ogre inside the cave that has 2 unique blue drops (especially good 2H mace drop). It's so close to the Horde flight zone in Hillsbrad that I'd essentially count it as part of Hillsbrad loot. Since Alterac Mountains is a bit of a weird zone that doesn't have much going for it outside a few things such as that ogre.
EDIT: There's also a yeti roaming close by that drops a unique rare dagger. Both of these rares are pretty close to each other.
spider tried to run offscreen 😛
You should just record a few variations of "No unique loot, only greens, still worth it if your'e in the area" so you can save time and get to the interesting zones faster!
Dude! Start or finish with a map showing all the locations on these vids on one map. Will make it well easier to use as a guide that way.
I used to be excited to play WoW after work. Now i'm excited to watch more classic videos.
Summer 2019 where u at?
damn man i almost died waiting 🙂
holy hell Scargil is an absolute unit of a murloc
Great videos man!
Idea: In the end of each video I would very much like a picture of the map with all the rare spawns,, in different colours, in the same time. Have you thought about doing something like this?
no UNIQUE LOOT btw …
Can i order Un'Goro to be next?
i just wish those cocroach wow covering channels would stop with overanalyzing every single pixel of this game. Classic isnt yet avaliable but this chump is making guides for it because people cant just enjoy the game they have to look for ways to cheat with a guide…
that classic elwynn forest theme. I creamed my pants.
Wow man amazing video thank you so much
Would love to see videos for high level areas like Feralas, Plaguelands, etc but I know it'd be significantly harder to get this kind of footage.
Nice videos thanks. Is there a printable map for each of these areas that shows rares and chests?
In Classic I tried my hardest not to quest here as a Alliance. Is there some vendors there too
Rly love your vids btw
I loved those Dwarf elites playing a alliance warlock on the Lights Hope Server. I'd just hang out with the elites and cast fear on horde questing there making them pull multiple at a time…….and probably pissing them off pretty badly lol
I am pretty sure Tamra Stormpike was a female dwarf in actual vanilla… also the bear can spawn in lots of different locations on the eastern parts of hillsbrad.
Dude your intro video is freaking scared me , good idea, good ui , good item drop and good explanation.
i think every rare mob should give a unique loot(make really bad ones if you want) but have it unique and/or fun.
I remember when I had my 29 twink Paladin and camped Hillsbrad Fields where there horde did their quests. It was such a good time! 😀
best music in the game! i know its the same in elwynn but i never played alliance..
I used to ride my horse around Hillsbrad just looking around for hours…
Thanks B0ss
Important Note.