WoW Classic: Die lustigsten Momente (Folge 100) World of Warcraft-Episode beginnt mit Viscidious, der einen 40-Mann-Überfall ausspielt. Ich bin live …
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WoW Classic: Die lustigsten Momente (Folge 100) World of Warcraft-Episode beginnt mit Viscidious, der einen 40-Mann-Überfall ausspielt. Ich bin live …
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Players Featured:
0:10 Ollieringo –
0:37 aylegaming –
0:56 biglollol –
1:12 noobsvarchar –
1:25 Salvdali –
1:52 trill_troll –
2:14 Pshero –
2:20 arlaeus –
2:33 Atomkraftzer –
2:57 just_ouro –
3:30 Prelia_ –
3:52 Sodapoppin –
4:25 tinyviolin69 –
4:42 Esfand –
5:08 herrpfoetchen –
5:30 thurlan –
5:57 Maitoz –
6:25 nashuadatv –
6:47 Kidthespecial –
7:38 karlfranzthe3rd –
8:13 kolltrem –
8:25 Octopusssx –
8:44 krsnotfound –
9:48 Salvdali –
10:02 cl0u_dz –
10:25 biscuitsyum –
Some of these clips man 😂
4:35 is that a looser just trying to dispel world buffs? What a fulfilling life.
5:59 "didn't lose a single guy in a 40vs10 wouaou!" i love maitoz tho 🙂
Happy episode 100!
4:25 what kind of actual no life type of shit is that lol. what a lunatic.
Wow it takes a special kind of asshole to pay for 8 accounts just to dispel people blizzard show stop that toxic ass behavior.
We made it boyz, 100 episodes 🙌
Whats the song on 2:33?
Woot! 100!!!
Nashuadatv with the clutch flag cap… Try running in defensive stance instead of berserker. You should've lost that one, what a shame.
can someone tell me if there is a link to the interface of Thurlan? (5:30)
didnt found anything on this twitch profile
Nothing like violin accepting RMT to not PvP someone. Blizzard hasn't banned yet? Wtf?
That enhance shaman at 8:00 is pumpin!
That esfand one was huge
no payo? thats rare
BRUH. Seeing the warr not going def stance @6:30 gave me anxiety. Would have capped
krsnotfound prolly has teh worst set up nameplates ever seen, why does he need a kidney shot being shown 3 times on a target
Everytime i see Arlaeus face it just reminds me of his smugness when he was ratting out that dispeller to his GM buddy lol pathetic little rat
4:35 that is just sad on so many levels. That guy has some serious IRL issues.
Gz, you doing a great job, братка
Damn people still rebuffing to do saph
ppl ask why i dont play in classic? Coz 60% ppl play at 7:40
Imagine how worthless these dispellers will feel once tbc comes out and there are no more world buffs to dispell 😂
Im a bit surprised, I thought this was the payo highlight channel?
EP 100 really? WOW, time surely goes fast. GRATZ!
slowfall me slowfall me slowfall me! How about you just LIP? xD
BOYS WE MADE IT!! Its ya boy octopusssx, aka Franklin B. Just wanna make a big shout out to gorthax for compiling these vids on a weekly basis. He makes our Wow classic experience that much more worth it. I cant wait to see what kind of shenanigans TBC has in store for us!
С сотым тебя Горти. Я хз понимаешь ли ты на русском могу и на английском. Но лень. Продолжай. Ты делаешь важное дело для таких как я. 😉
1:28 Изначально он мне не нравился. Но вроде он прикольный тип. Надо будет его глянуть.
8:45 i wish mage didnt intervene. Could be one of the best 1v3s Ive seen
Grats on episode 100 brother, here from day 1!!
Knowing that my boy Karl now has 66k people who watched him kill people with plague on Twin Emps trash is fantastic
does anyone else hate the intro voice?
First time on your channel congrats on the 100th episode
gorthax… u a cool cat
Hey Tinyviolin is on my server! Lol
prelia did nothing wrong, tanks need to maybe add a back tank because during the taunt she crit but she did not do enough damage/threat to pull it from tanks. check the logs. Tanks either need to smash harder or have a backup to incase it turns to fuck off like that
YOUUU make my mornings better !
I got a group of people killed in phase 5 spawning the demon when they were running by. Best thing ever.
That first clip looked like a grandma in cam
Don't know who translated the Flugmeister stuff at 2:10 but you did it poorly and missed the joke in the translation…
2:09 awful language SHEEEEEESH
۞―P̳r̳e̳m̳i̳u̳m̳ ̳P̳r̳i̳v̳a̳t̳ ̳S̳e̳x̳―۞
➡️➡️️ 》》 《《
♠【﹄💖𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐊≔⫸LINK 💖﹃】 ♠みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• •̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。
來調味食物煮的時候 1618602321
same old trash noobs playing crap game
Whats the music at 8:26?
3:32 Deserved…. use keybinds… Click click click click click click click click click…. so focused on the action bar… how do people play like that lol