Von Esfand

33 Gedanken zu „WoW Classic Beta Testing – Fishing Poles, Weapon Skill, and Paladins“
  1. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, i just accidentally found a pun "Hey guys, esfand here, i'm in stv" ESTV! because he's streaming and we are watching! ees funny because ees truuuuuuue….. i'm very tired x.x

  2. Hello Esfand, would you agree that prot and retri paladins were not viable specs in WOW vanilla raiding groups? If yes, what was the main reason – lack of raiding gear for these specs, ect? What is needed to make these specs more viable in WOW Classic?

  3. Hey man are you going to start a guild in classic with the perpuse of doing raids in the second week ?? Im rushing to 60 and going for bis so im looking for a guild that i can plan stuff with

  4. this isn't really relevant to the video per say but does anyone know if the benefit of intellect adding to weapon skill causes increased spell crit, or when it says crit chance, they are only basing it off melee / ranged physical attacks or "weapon" abilities. also does the crit chance from increased weapon skill from having more intellect work on auto attacks? and what exactly would be a weapon based ability, sorry if the questions were a bit confusing but some things from wowhead aren't really clear on what they are explaining. also another relevant question is whether consecration can crit in any of it's ticks of damage for damage over time. somewhere i read that in classic wow, damage over time spells or abilities can't crit?

  5. So reckoning doesn't work with sitting on classic?Esfand can you confirm this?Or anyone else?I just don't see your recking people so easily if reckoning doesn't work with sitting,you gonna get ganked alot Esfand,but maybe you will find a way arround it

  6. Really cool info there, heard it rumored to work, nice to see someone testing it. Wanna point out that the shaman has pretty much the same benefits from this as paladins do as enhancement due to their reliance of white hits. Now I wanna see a level 10 who max fishing only to rock it with a fishing pole xD

  7. This also seems to be useful on Druids with the cat/bear. weapon doesn't matter except as stat stick but it affects your mele hit, and i noticed i've been able to do some serious damage even in world pvp b/c i'm actually able to hit targets as cat/bear with the pole equipped … and you can get to like 150 right away at very very low levels …. you dont need much level to get to 225 either and i'm not counting baubles either. its still working on live or seems to be and its not unusual for me to kill targets like 6 lvls higher than me if i can get the drop on them and they dont jump me but still they're flat out red to me and i can kill them without too much hastle … i'm only 29 atm but have 230 b/c of +5 poles at vendors … havent gotten a better one yet ….

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