Von Thermal

25 Gedanken zu „WoW Arena PvP Guide | 10 Tips | MM Hunter Shadowlands | Arena Climb“
  1. Sorry if this video feels a bit rushed was keen to get it done before I had to head off to work. This one was more of a general overview kind of guide. Going to be doing a mm hunter specific one soon to dive in a bit deeper on the strategies I use in my arena games as well for those who want to know that â˜ș And if you haven't already give the add-on "GladiatorlosSA2" a go. I found it super helpful so thanks again to @Simon for the recommendation! And if you don't mind commenting, I would be interested to know how many of you play PvP for fun or competitively just so I can learn more about you guys.

  2. Hey @Thermal i have been watching all your vids this morning!

    and it really helped me out ALOT. its my first season with wow, and im trying to learn the pvp and pve aspect of the game, which can be hard 😀
    do you think 1400 is doable as my goal? i really want that spider mount (currently 1150 rating) i went from 980 – 1150 but my win rate aint great. and i tend to really struggle against Rogues and Paladins :/

    also do you think it would be better for me and my m8 (arms warrior) to find a healer for our comp? so 3v3 instead of 2v2, we really lack the sustain, but we dunno much about combos since we are both new and just took what we like to play.

  3. me and my wife are playing mm hunter / disc priest and we seem to stuck at 1.1k rating. we are having fun though, so all is well but thanks for the video, i will try some of those and see if i make them work. keep up the good work.

  4. hey dude! great video! what is the name of the addon which shows enemy CD's right in the middle, slightly above your pet panel? static in the center and those floating away from the center
    for your and your target buttons pressed. Looks so damn useful I feel like I need it right now 😀
    thank you in advance

  5. Even just a minute in and this is an extremely useful video. I'm just starting into Arena even though I've played WoW on-and-off since release, but played every day since Classic launch. But Arena on Retail looks like it's really taking off in this Expac so I'm gonna get SL and start my foray into it. Thanks so much for the vid, awesome!

  6. Problem with the whole Rated arena thingy is.. I'm getting burned out because It takes 3-4 if not more hours to find someone to play with if you are new. While I consider myself not bad at wow compared I just started 3 months ago , by the time I finally find someone to play with I got bored. However if I don't play with them because I'm already bored I'm losing the time that took me to find that partner for the next 1-2 games.

  7. As a PvE player I am Night Fae covenant, is that viable to do well in arena? I want to get better in pvp and haven't pvp'd really since WOTLK but seems like Kyrian ability is pretty crucial. Bummer it's one or the other

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