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Our wrath classic site is LIVE! Sign up today to get THREE games in ONE subscription:
Keep it up with the wotlk content
Your rogue skit pissed a lot of us off
Preg Paladin
Interesting that Shadow Priest is low-tier for dueling, when most glads/high level PvP players have them as S Tier. They do have mana issues, but not for one person/fight. They have 4 types of CC that don't DR, plus dispersion and off heals. They're super annoying to verse in a solo setting.
Interesting duel analysis for warrior. The ONLY class I struggle with in 1v1 as a warrior is elemental shaman. (At level 80 with gear) No other class comes close to being difficult
Warriors are most mobile melee class in wrath and they get only 4 in BG's?
It's numbah 3 m'lord ; lonely and no friends
BUt WotLK sucks as a SOLO player? I saw in your other WotLK videos that PvE gear is a big part of PvP?
Shaman life… it's rough but sham life is best.
You need to learn about prot pvp, 1v1 a prot warrior has a 50/50 or better chance against any class except resto druids. And this information came from the first OG Wrath prot gladiator(not me).
Ele sham is insane in wpvp, i don't know who made this video. You can't be kited or slowed with ghostwolf and your slows&roots are insane in wpvp
I'm leveling a warrior up just now with a steamdeck level 65 atm… I won't be doing arena though 😄 but definitely made the game more interesting lol
On your mage analysis you mentioned that frost mage does well into every melee except dks, Id like to point out ferals are a generally horrid matchup for them too due to the feral being effectively immune to all the mages cc.
Boomkin best world PvP and BGs . Some reason I can see it being great in certain 3s comps since it’s 3.3.5 patch 🙂
!!!!!!!! WE WANT RBG !!!!!!!!!!
Rogue is like 2 in duel. The classe loses against destro locks, Dks, rets, feral and enhance and it's not even close
Please make a video on the best professions for Bg
WOTLK section on the website when?
Please do the same video for Shadowlands, I'm waiting for it since so long and this video and criteria are nice. YES I HAVE NO FRIENDS 😉
Are talents going to be changed as we progress through the expansion? Or are the talents going to remain the same meaning no nerfs/ changes?
I just want them to put back in dungeon finder. It’s incredibly annoying trying to pug via word of mouth. you can have a classic game without making it like pulling teeth to play.
If you as a retri Pala lose, in duel, against any class that doesn't outmatch you heavily in gear or skill level (xept maybe priest), then you are playing the class wrong
wich class is the most ez to learn healer ?
I leveled a rouge in TbC als an alt to my enhance shaman because I too wanted to feel that PvP power. …. But I dunno. It was strong as hell! But I just didn’t felt it and was bored. Don’t know if on wotlk the talents make it more interesting and fun but I went back to my shaman so I at least have fun when I get zeroed out of stealth in 2.3 seconds from a full PVP geared rouge! Or get 2 shotted from autoattacks of a retri. sadshamannoises
Nice video, but I think ret was dismissed too heavily
Rets that have access to a healing 1H + healing shield heal for a LOT, not to mention it makes them sturdy enough to close the gap between casters. Not to mention the proc rates are insane for AOW.
Rets on private servers have 1v1 records that are insane when BIS in 3.3.5.
Why always overrate rogues? Wotlk certainly isn't a peek time for the class, outside of their arena comps, they are squishy, very squishy and there are so many rogue counters its not even funy every game vs a feral is auto lose even if the rogue is a R1 player, i have seen this in duels in original wrath. There is faery fire and it will neuter rogues completely. The class is assumed to have all cds ready and play shadowdance without the slightest error and resets every major cds of the opponent – how often does this happen in wpvp/bgs?
So according to your video every class is good in bgs?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
and there is nothing better then lava bursting+insta chain lightning nuking and knocking players off ledges with thunderstorm.
I have one word for this guide: Delusional
Btw where is preg pala which is the best melee dueler
WOTLK hype!
The problem that dks have is that they are very cooldown reliant and runic power hungry. Their basic kit of abilities arent really gonna take away your health. You have to play around their cooldowns using stuff like blind, cyclone, morph, and just wait out all the bullshit, then you can beat them easily.
Conclusion: Every Class is Good.
Don’t forget in world pvp is important for a class to be able to resurrect and be as fast as possible 100% health to fight against the camper.
why do you only put destro in warlock duels aff is amazing in duels
Seriously before I lose my mind and go burn down blizzards building can you please release a video explaining wtf we have to do to play pvp? No I know you will think that's what this is but NO_ it is not! I'm asking a simple damn question like what do I have to do to get in the damn game, I know how to play I play retail, but I don't touch the crap pve and I boosted a character but because I only started over last few mths I dont know what to do and can't get a simple answer. Use all make these video's when there are poeple that can't even figure out how to get in a match, how about add that to the start considering that you going to put these poeple through hell making builds just to find out they have to do enough research to do a degree just to get in Q! Don't know if use can tell but I am pissed off, this game is an absolute joke and would have to be the worst made game to ever be sold
Nope not very excited. I’m more into Dragonflight :)… after classic and tbc I did enough memory scouting. It’s time to came back to the present
I will never understand the rogue worship in this game, I literally never had problems in duels vs rogues as a lock/priest main back in the days and they were pretty owned by every class in 1v1 with the same gear and around the same skill/game knowledge level from both players.
always remember: rating gated equip = boosters jackpot. wotlk will be horrable for casuals