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brain dead classes make s tier comps. well i never
Did you count Ret/Frostmage not in because it’s for the later seasons, or did you forget about it? You said B Tier is chaotic and not so consistent, but Ret Frostmage is pretty strong and relies on control and lockdown. And it’s insanely strong
Wow seriously not a single mention to the comp destro lock – frost mage? This is top tier comp, very few to none can counter that if played properly. Also there are other comps that synergize very well and you didn't even mention them.
He talks about season 5 but shows items that fall in Icecriwn Citadel and RS
Dont know how frost mage – disc priest aint S tier.
i thuoght sub rogue shadow priest had much more than a 13 sec cc window… What about sap > fear> silence > psychic horror> gouge > blind> full sap again
Whats ur thoughts on Enhance + Rogue in 2s ?? I thought it is a tier atleast xD
pretty inaccurate video
This video is so bad it's hilarious
Is it possible to do well as feral and elemental shaman?
I just started playing destro lock pvp and this channel is top tier. Thanks
So ret feral is good aye?
What tier is scooby doo (ret-rogue)
how is warr / hpala top tier in season 5?? yall been playing too much season 8.. and you dont even mention rsham / feral or feral / rogue
I went 2.4k+ on 2s and 2.1k on 3s multiple times as frost dk with hpal on final phase wrath lol
Where is spriest/rogue?
What is the benefit going 1h ret? I can't find any videos or guides about it
Why spriest/rogue won’t Stier
every good arena player in wotlk says shadow priest frost mage is S tier how come you didn't put that comp in S?
Wotlk Rogue-mage will always be art
Ele sham disc is better than ele Holy paladin. It's also a tier.
Ui addons interface dk link ?
When I was young when lk came out i solo dk and druid as ret pala xD remember kids wanted to teak photo with me ^^ good old days hehe
Ret+MM and Feral+Disc should be on S
What about ele + sub. Is that anywhere viable?
Isn’t Resto Druid/ Destro really strong early on? Like S tier or close? Both specs do well without insane gear.
Shadow/Unholy who easy top
wasnt rogue priest in s tier? then talking bout them in a tier? i didnt understand that
S: War/HPal, Sub/Disc, DK/HPal
A: shatterplay, DK/HPal, FP, HP, lock/druid, mage/disc, frost/sub, shadow/sub, ele/destro, war/druid