Hoffe, Sie ENJOYEDDDDD! SUCHEN SIE UNTEN NACH GOODIES Mein Setup (: Tastatur: Maus: …
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Hoffe, Sie ENJOYEDDDDD! SUCHEN SIE UNTEN NACH GOODIES Mein Setup (: Tastatur: Maus: …
© Artikelquelle
You clumped them all so you didn't benefit from Bear Tartare at all?
On my realm (Argent Dawn EU) the green items are worth 10-100g, only the epic world drops are worth anything from this dungeon for me.
I cant speak for the various items, but as for Netherweave… let me put it this way.. i've had 3 stacks on my banker for months (i boosted my void elf through Ramparts and picked some up)…. every time i try to sell any, TSM tells me that if i undercut (even by a single copper), i'll be selling for below vendor price.. Which means that the market is saturated, and likely will be.. well.. forever most likely. With supply so far outstripping demand, that price will never go up.
i keep geting stuned forever by being charmed
I have done this run over a 200 times and the average havent been close to 100k
Also you arent doing it right, what you need to do is clear the first part and then skip first boss and continue up to second boss and then you are done
So kill the boss or dont?
What server/realm you on?
I figured when you said burning crusade transmog you were gonna go to a cataclysm dungeon.
…"before it's too late"…? What makes this a pressing or need to do NOW farm? What exactly is going away? Not like you're using chi orbs or something.
Both Horde and Alliance come from hellfire peninsula
You make nothing I made 1k for a run
Awesome set up dude!
oh man I've been farming this all week and listing the transmog stuff…some sells right away, others kinda hangs out for a while…. I was hoping for the rare plans or the mount, but havent gotten either yet.
btw, you cant instance lock on heroic..it's once per day.
Could do without the unnecessary click-baity title — there's absolutely no time restraint on this, so the title leaves a bad feel. :/
Also might have been good to mention the fact that one of the bosses in this instance on heroic (Anzu) drops a mount. Worth killing him on your last run through of the day to try and grab it if you enjoy collecting mounts.
Turn on the loot appraiser so we can see when a more expensive item drops. Also I always say just farm any old world content and I think RP servers are the best for selling mog.
i made better videos from my phone giving out pokemon sun and moon code cards than this useless info x.x
You are right that the best way to do this farm is with a feral druid. To avoid the stuns, use displacer beast, when that runs out then use dash, it keeps you ahead of the mobs so they can't stun you. I run this place all the time and have never been stunned since using those abilities.
Hey Mr. Kunta. Nice video! and i think its awesome that you are getting better at doing smaller vids and getting to the point more quickly. gj.
But, may i ask why the "DO THIS NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE"? Why too late? any news on removing Mogs from low lvl dungeons?
Dude, you are posting lots of WoW farming videos, tho you dont even have TSM or faster loot
awesome guides. you should consider a patreon