Von SpookLuke

37 Gedanken zu „Winning In CHAMP 3 With ZERO OFFENSE… Road To SSL #10 | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. There’s one part of me that’s cringing at “no mechanics” into wavedash into speed flip into fast aerial into backwards save into “gonna go for a quick air dribble bump” lol. These are all mechanics MY GUY. I think you’re subconsciously doing mechanical things without realizing it.

    But there’s another of me that’s like…. Eh, no mechanics is already an extraordinarily hard challenge. Flakes struggled to a point in 1s and there’s a lot less control of the game in 2s. If you’re C3, just learn a couple of mechanics. Stop trying to be such a chad

  2. I really don’t understand why they complaining you can’t reach grand champ with really zero mechs if you want to reach grand champ don’t expect to be like 2h a day in rl you need to put the hours and practice

  3. credit where credit is due, this one felt more fair and more in-line in terms of mechanics.

    and to all saying "hurr durr I'm plat and I can flip reset, your mechanics are fine", shut your whore mouth. You can clearly see it ON THE FUCKING VIDEO that none of his opponents are doing across-the-map air dribbles right into top corner like he was doing, so no, his mechanics were WAY too good for the rank.

  4. This should be of great help to all ranks up to GC, Focusing on rotation and positioning is vital. To many peeps trying mechs they can't do consistently. Lost so many games with team8's trying and failing and then conceding unnecessary goals. Great video 👍

  5. People need to realize that everyone in c2 isn’t the same. Everyone’s like “an air dribble is too much.” Maybe that’s why you’re stuck, if these mechs are too advanced then learn them.

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