Heute wird jedermanns Lieblings-Pokémon, das absolut kein Drache ist, zum Strahlen gebracht. Wie wird es gehen? Das hat Spaß gemacht und war ein…
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Heute wird jedermanns Lieblings-Pokémon, das absolut kein Drache ist, zum Strahlen gebracht. Wie wird es gehen? Das hat Spaß gemacht und war ein…
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Just a Lizard
Just a lizard
I don’t know if anyone ever says this to you but every single “southern” character from the indigo league Pokémon anime series shares your accent.
Charizard is the best Pokémon, quite obviously lol. Cool to see such a fast time though!
I think Lance only using Dragon Rage is a sign that Lance doesn't know Charizard is, in fact, just a lizard. Great run, and I'm loving the Yellow sprites.
Just a dragon
He's a dragon!
Might not be a dragon, but Lance should totally have had one on his team anyway. It's miffed me for 20 years.
That Wrapping Weepinbell was actually painful to watch!
Though I grew up using Bulbasaur, I have grown fond of Charmander as an adult and by proxy, Charizard. Awesome it did so well before the Elite 4, and if anything for the Lance losses? Makes me love Gyarados even more.
Been watching for a while but I finally remembered to hit the subscribe button
Hey man, great run. I'm pretty sure that when you got knocked out by that weepinbell, you unintentionally did some rng manip that cued the game to never miss. Gen one's gonna gen one.
saur squad 🤙
Just a lizard
I use the fire type all the time
I did Solo with lucario. It hard . but nice video
Charizard is my favourite bird
Not a dragon? What about “can’t Fly”?
(It could only learn fly on Yellow, not on Red/Blue)
Anyway, just a lizard
Just a lizard
I’ve always seen it like this, Charizard is a Dragon. He’s just not a Dragon type. He definitely should be a fire/flying type so Charizard has always made sense to me.
Just a lizard
Why kill Mewtwo bruh your support to Catch that thing hold up you used em as a Test Subject for real
Solo un lagartijo. Which is Spanish for "just a lizard"
Just a regular grass type with a lower level taking out the best fire type in the game. That’ll get me every time.
Just a lizard
Just a lizard. As requested.
Really enjoying the runs
We've all been there don't judge me. I can proudly announce that my first overleveled pokemon was alakazam, not my starter. Alakazam is still my favorite pokemon till this very day
Woah that must be the most american accent ever o.o much yeehaw