Dies sind die BESTEN Wege, um in Siege besser zu werden und aufzusteigen! Danke fürs zuschauen! Mein Champion-Konto: …
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Dies sind die BESTEN Wege, um in Siege besser zu werden und aufzusteigen! Danke fürs zuschauen! Mein Champion-Konto: …
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Discord: https://discord.gg/KhFJMPc
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ShawkR6
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShawkR6
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how to get better in Rainbow Six Siege
play Ash go inside the room die in 5 seconds blame your teammates for losing round
then watch shawk and say I want to be like him
I genuinely enjoyed this video and absolutely love how informative it was for newer players and even gold like players that wonder why they are hardstuck, it’s ppl like you and braction that got me out of plat 3/plat2 being my highest for the past 3 years
Good player
get tnis man to 100k
Hi shawk thanks for the tips they helped alot
You need 1.0 kd to get champ otherwise your not eligible
I love you Nd thx u for showing me dis it helps a lot keep up with these great videos
Honestly the reason im so passive on attack is because of how impossible it is to deal with roamers. Teams that ban Nomad/Jackal are annoying af. It makes dealing with roamers time consuming af.
Especially for site where your forced to navigate the entire site to get into, it gets annoying
i played cheaters 2 weeks ago then lost 76 mmr today now im copper 5 🙁
Quem eh do Brasil deixa like
You’re a lot younger than expected.
the perm tho 🥵
I sent this to my whole discord so they stop making fun of me for having a 0.9 k.d
Basically just get good
What do u mean by practicing movement?
Thanks for this advice.I am sure that you do not know where I from. I am just a fan from the far east.
Num 5 K/D don't matter, can you please SCREAM at all the kids who say omg dude your so bad when you go like 3-5 but drone out, opren walls/floors and make kills/plants possible
This dude shawk is the best
69 k let’s go!
Please notice me shawk I swear I watch and like all your vids and you can see me on all of your streams my name is geothegoatgod you’ll see me in every comment section on all of your streams
When you like my comments it feels more special now that I can put a face to the like this sounds creepy but rlly I mean it to be nice
How to get better
Simple – just get better
How to get better movement? Next video!?
Amazing tips definitely have not heard these before !
Shawk GOAT
Finally someone smart! It s not about spoit, IT s about 5 stack
what kind on pc do you have, and does siege need a really really good pc to run it decently.
69k subs xD
im a try all this
whats wrong with 4 stacks
Hey bro thank you so much for the tips ❤️
Bruh… Even if I 5 stack my comms on disc are so messy and loud I can't hear anything
You really are the goated r6 you tuber
any tips to not be nervous and have confidence?
Great Content but out of curiosity who made your intro?
Should do a series where you review games sent into you and tell people where they can improve !
Yo shawk I got this mic but it
Sounds like I’m soo far away from it
Can u tell me how to fix it
Shawk how can u make a video to game sense, i'm actually a good player and this things but i'm really dumb, so if u make a vid to help people to get a better game sense it will help just not me but alot of your viwers, love from brazil❤
My best advice to get better is to start playing comp
In the next advice video, could you go over some console tips and tricks? I think you mentioned in one of your videos that you used to play console. Could you share some of what you learned from those days?
step 1: find friends
I love the part about aggression and passivness bc I am stuck in plat 1 duo qued with a teammate, we just do that for self improvement next to the entry into comp now but we just have teammates in europe that most likely barely talk english and you can't do shit with them bc their not listening, it's ridicilous. As you mentioned they play everything wrong, I lose so many rounds in defense bc of unneeded aggression and vice versa. Loved this video, I just hoped more ppl would realise it