Von Lethamyr

39 Gedanken zu „When you can't end on a loss but you keep losing in Rocket League“
  1. i always say "gotta play till we lose" then when we do, i search for another match and when the inevitable "what you doin bruh" comes out, i hit em with the "cant end on a L" and thus the viscous downward spiral all the way to plat happens

  2. my highest loss streak iirc was somewhere around 23-25 losses, i think i went from like gold 2 d1 back to silver 1 d1 in 3v3. (currently plat 2 in 3v3, diamond 2 in 2v2.) so it was a while ago

  3. 16:14

    Retals verbalizing the intense pain built up over years of playing car soccer in the most calm manner possible, while the rest of the fan base would proceed to instalock forfeit and uninstall (me included)

  4. bro week ago I lost A LOT of games in a row on 2vs2. Like from champ 2 I have fallen to diamond 1. Luckily I alsmost recovered rn Im diamond 3 division 3, but tbh teammates are so bad that it would be easier without them…

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