Von SpookLuke

34 Gedanken zu „„When should I learn speed flips?““
  1. my cousin is like gold or something (I dont think he can even arial) and after showing him and a few minutes, he got the idea. I saw him do it once or twice as well. he's not consistent by any means, but yeah, as soon as possible, learn speed flips

  2. Honestly, I don't think it is too important to know how to speedflip. Reading the oponent kick off is way more important.

    I see too many people learning speedflips and just sending the car straight to the ball without thinking. I think you can get to gc without learning speedflips if you know how to read a vary the kickoffs

  3. C1 here and learned the importance of speedflips from getting absolutely cooked on kickoffs in high plat-low diamond every 50ish matches. idk if the player base is getting significantly better or smurfs or what. regardless, earlier the better (took forever to get it down and i still botch them at random)

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