Von Lethamyr

20 Gedanken zu „When Rocket League hands you Ls, you take 'em like a CHAMP“
  1. When he said "my teammates are holding me back" I felt that xD Just goes to show he's just between GM and SSL, so his GM teammates are holding him back while he would hold back an SSL teammate. Worst position to be in.

  2. I’ve created a new passing play but I need a team mate who can predict where it’s gonna go because it’s hard to aim so I can only put it in box I would like to show you this movie my Xbox is Wilf12326

  3. You should do a video of all the teammates you play with where you keep a long term record of them say over 50 games (example) and at the end of playing 50 you determine who your best teammate is out of the ppl you regularly play with

  4. Dude, how are you guys so good? Honestly.. like I am trying :/ I practice and train so much, and I work on applying those things in game but i've just been stuck behind diamond for so long. Of course it doesn't help when you solo queue 90% of the time.

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