Shorts Wenn ein GC in eine TOP 100-Lobby kommt … ROCKET LEAGUE DM Me „COACH“ Auf Discord: …
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Shorts Wenn ein GC in eine TOP 100-Lobby kommt … ROCKET LEAGUE DM Me „COACH“ Auf Discord: …
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Except this isn't top 100
I need coaching
I'm s 3
Can you coach me???
U r not even ssl.selling.. why u talking like u bong to top 100
Ain’t no way this is top 100
Champ plays?
dude just posted this to flex
What makes this top 100 lobby, I’ve never heard of any of these players
this isnt a top 100 lobby its like 2200 when youre top 100
But this is how I play normally.
Yo he suckn you a bit too much of my boy
Love your other content man, this kinda cringe tho
That’s not top 100
Why do they air roll so much
The first day that I can do airroll with car control at the same time, I will be very happy, any tips please
1554 and he plays na server and he is acting like he is good at the game. Bruh moment
So like plat lobbies but nore civilised
Top 100 thousand maybe
Got smurfed on by a grand champ today. A man died inside today.
If you look up spooklukes stats he is literally champ 3 LMFAO
Their attacks and your defences were great but when you were shooting and they were on defence they werent able to defend basic high diamond, low champ shots, there’s no doubt that your consistency is much bigger than what diamonds and champs got going on but your enemies were really slacking on defence
Love the JID music in the background
Crazy because the mechanics are better by a hair but this looks nothing different than a champ 1 lobby
Upload them
Literally everything I’m doing in d3 but can’t get teammates that’s not autistic
Guy Ariels*
Me: but that happens in my champ lobbies but wait oh sh..
This a pusha t sample
They gave you an awful lot of space and time on the ball for a top 100 lobby 🤨 try a faster lobby and you'll see lol
Coach me plz
Weird that you refer to yourself with 'luke' and 'you' so much
I need some serious coaching man:(
I need a coach like this
Consistency, mechanics, decision making. Oh and control. Yeah top 100 should be top 100🤣🤣
I just like how half the time this guy uses JID songs.
Where do I dm coach 🙁
Free lobbies 🥱🥱
are u ssl ur cracked
You’ve actually improved so much. Love your awareness in this clip
Wow the squishy save