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So spielen Sie benutzerdefinierte Karten mit Freunden: Schauen Sie sich mein neues LIVE an und abonnieren Sie es …
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900 hours for that hmmmmmm I guess people really do learn at different speeds lol
The lack of ball cam made me want to stop watching
19:20 tromak has 900h and hes gold i have 100-150h and im diamond
A Youtuber should do the opposite, where a gold coaches a grand champ that would be hilarious
Treys coach : use ball cam it will get you more consistent
Trey : flickers it on and off and then hardly uses it the rest of the video 🤦♂️
His name also had fortnite in it
These dudes are way better than gold lol
I only played 1v1s for a season and i started to love the game mode
FN_TreyAlt is just some 7 Year Old fortnite kiddo, why get him in the vid.?
Dang No shot Tormak is gold 1 he be speed flipping lol. I’m plat one and 1/25 people speedflip
I will say I never started in silver or bronze… I always started in gold 1 or higher
LOL trey is a bronze
I want to shout in the whole world. TREY USE THE FKING BALL CAM
This is some sunless stuff
i feel bad for the gold getting roasted
a gold with 900 hours
Not using ball cam is like trying to play football with Resident Evil 1 camera angles and auto-aim turned off. Listen to the coach dude. He knows his stuff.
I'm not the greatest at rocket leage but goddamn no ball cam it's hurting my head
People in season 3 thats not even close to their power
Dude i play against d and im g3
Please put me against trey I'm a silver and he really just sucks
Im Plat I-II … Tormak is clearly plat lvl in ability as well, if he is that consistant probably Plat III, though we plats sometimes play like silver hahaha
Golds r cracked
i can see trey going back to bronze 1
Honestly im a gold my self but alot of people say im plat 1-2 and i try but i cant get to it because of my teamates bump me all the time and miss most of there shots and im not trying to be toxic.
OMFG please get that kid off of ball cam 😛
Why are so many people giving Trey so much hate? I didn't notice anything that would annoy me, however I am just a mid to high silver. But still grand champions are so far above golds that it's quite possible the gold players don't actually know what to do if the grand champion players don't simplify it for them. And maybe Trey just had no idea how to make what he wanted to happen actually happen, which is how it is for me EVERY match.
these two players have very different skill levels here regardless of ranks trey should be silver to gold but tormac is already mechanicly at like gold 3 to plat there so its unfair matched from the start though
Bronze Matches And RLCS Matches are the same they go on forever.
Lol the first 10 comments I read was about trey not listening to his coach
Is it just me or are golds 1v1 better than plats 2s or 3s?
Some say they have a fear of heights, others say bugs and insects, but the true legends are the ones who have a fear of ball-cams.
Hey arsenal plays on controler lol
I am a boy by the way I am 10 can you teach me how to play the game or give me a teacher I want to be in one of me and one of your videos but I don’t have discord my name my rockily name is Asher0522