Von Lethamyr

  1. An ad for Lids played and had the exact same track as your intro and I was trying to figure out what video was playing in the background or if I broke YouTube into playing the video again while the ad was playing

  2. Hey leth! You should make a map where it's an upscaled version of a normal map. Have a goal on one side and on the other side let there be just a hole in the wall the same size as a normal goal that the player can go through and the ball can enter. Then have that new room be a normal-sized field and across that field, there is another hole in the wall just like the last one. And this is an entrance to the third and final room which is the same big size as the first and the other goal is on the other side (whatever type of goal you want to have it be). I hope this gets your creative juices flowing!

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