8 Gedanken zu „WHAT AM I FIGHTING? | Pizza Tower #10“
  1. Peppino fact: That blue capped heterochromatic Noise is a well beloved character "The Doise". The Doise originated in a video by Robby1scool about a set of bootleg characters named "Peddito and The Doise" and has been recognized in the Pizza Tower community to the point where McPig put a cameo in the game as a decoration. I'm not making any of this up

  2. I bet you recorded ahead, but an upcoming level has an outfit tied to it that can only be unlocked on the first attempt of a safe file! It's unlocked on all files forever once gotten once, but you have to win a certain level the first time you play it. It's tough.

  3. The final chase of this fight was nerfed. I kinda wish it wasn't, because there's really no tension now. The thing that chases you used to rubber band though, so you could bump into a wall or accidentally wall jump and run into it because of that, even if you were moving really fast prior. It does 2 hitpoints worth of damage, so that could likely kill you. It was better to walk slowly than run, which wasn't ideal. Still, I think that if they just removed the rubber banding and otherwise kept it the same, that would've been fine.

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