Von Lethamyr

26 Gedanken zu „We got an EARLY LOOK at a SECRET Rocket League event… here's how it went“
  1. Man they done such a amazing job on that map… It looks soo good and like so much fun … the inside was so clean and looked like you were looking out of an arcade game, the hoops setup reminds me of those water bubble things they used to give u at the dentist and some other games from childhood … They might be givin king map maker Leth a run for his money XD …. Looked like it played very smooth and no hiccups ….this will be a fun event

  2. So my friends and I did all the steps to play custom rocket league maps, but when we try to use rocket plugin modifications such as boomer it works right up into the point where the first kickoff timer ends. As soon as the game actually starts all the settings go to normal. Can anyone help us with this issue?

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