Von SpookLuke

37 Gedanken zu „Watch THIS If You Want To Rank-Up SOLO-QUEUE… Road To SSL w/ Zero Mechanics #5 – ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. Imo you are playing too far from the play, i know you want to teach that they cant do that much with the ball yet so it‘s easier to collect when they mess up, but try to convince a little bit that you need to be there for your teammate and not only be passive until the opponents gives away the ball.. people need to get more comfortable closer and faster

  2. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I always laugh when I hear you or thanovic use the "0.1%" rhetoric.

    Becoming skilled at this game is most definitely an achievement. It is a journey.

    However, to use a game statistic to imply you're Chad of the universe highlights extreme insecurity imho.

    Your content in general has been great lately I'll add. This point has been annoying me for a while, I couldn't keep my big mouth shut

  3. I'm a C2 player and I deranked to d2-d3, been stuck for almost a month now, because of how hard it's to play with teammates and how inconsistent the quality of teammate I get when I solo queue, and I have pretty decent mechanics and game sense too.

  4. Im C1-C2, I can fast aerial, I can consistently flip reset, air dribble, double tap, musty double tap. I’m great at defending from the backboard and getting power clears. I can speed flip, I can chain dash on the wall. My recoveries are pretty clean, always could work on them more though. I got to c1 without any mechanics at all, after that I started learning mechanics and I got pretty clean. Lately I’ve been been freestyling a bit, I’m working on double resets, and reset musty’s

  5. Well I'm also ranked in C1, but am definitely way better than this C1s… I just play casual and got decent mechanics (can also flip reset etc.), what also tell me GC's when I'm queing up with them. I'm just too lazy to grind ranked, cuz I literally have to carry all my random mates, because I got too good for C1, prob could hit GC1. Don't wanna sound arrogant at this point, but it is what it is

  6. This is exactly why Rocket League is getting worse every day. He’s smurfing (like allmost everybody these days). The opponents are hard stuck and have no chance to win. I think it is sad. Pls just play your own rank

  7. Title says ZERO MECHS, then when game status is tie or losing, magically perfect dribble, half flips come out that give advantage and easy goals.
    Zero-mechs-gamestyle is a Flakes thing. He just fakes throughout the games, and for this you need zero mechs.

  8. Bro I’m D3-C1 and I don’t ever get the pleasure of playing people like these guys!!! All my competitors are air dribbling, air rolling, and double tapping on my ass!! 😂. Love these vids!! So helpful to lower ranks like me!!!

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