Von SpookLuke

20 Gedanken zu „Watch these 48 minutes if you want to hit SSL… Ft. Wayton Pilkin & Comm | The Freeplay Podcast #1“
  1. I agree with this and now that ive been focusing on this, ive seen so much improvement. I used to be hard stuck d1 in 2s. I was at most d2 div 1. I have focused on game sense and being able to take possession, rotation, shooting power and accuracy. I am now c1 in 2s. These videos explaining this is so much help.

  2. what if you want to learn mechanics because its fun for you not because you think that it will make you improve because i love doing resets just for those moments where i get really clean ones in freeplay or even in rank if i go for one so what are your thoughts on thats?

  3. How do you get ur free play settings where if you score there is no goal explosion and the ball just rolls in like you don’t score? I’ve been trying to figure it out for months. And how do you hide the D Pad actions??

  4. Great video, I don't really know how you keep creating content like this one though. Simply because it's going to be difficult to discuss subjects continuously without running out of topics in regards to rocket league and how those topics relate to the vast majority of players. I do think it would great though if you continued to put these out until you do run out of topics.

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