Von Jmoney26

37 Gedanken zu „Unlocking DARK AETHER for the 2nd TIME! (Cold War Zombies Road to Dark Aether)“
  1. Try to get to round 100 on any map, while only using 4 perks, no field upgrades, no armor, no weapon upgrades besides level 1 pack (if a wall weapon has a higher level than base that’s fine, you can rebuy it to raise the level) , no ammo mods, not craftables besides the self revive you start with, must start with the 1911 with no attachments, you can only buy ammo from wall buys no ammo caches but drops are fine, no rampage inducer, no weapon blueprints

  2. Hey Jo I've been following you since Mw and you got me into cw zombies and zombies in general. I've been using your guides and I just got dark aether!!! Thank you for the help and motivation to grind my first mastery camo ever in cod!

  3. you can open up that room even if the part isnt in that tunnel, you can still go through and it will open the door and you can go to the right tunnel after. and that spot is best used with toxic growth. you can sit there for days and get mad kills. ive gotten to round 50 in solo with nothing but the rpg and a gallo.

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