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We'll be releasing starter course guides EVERY DAY for EVERY CLASS over the next 2 weeks. Our WotLK site is also live! Sign up today to access our premium damage & playstyle courses:
Since DW unholy is gonna be a thing, how will that work out in pvp?
which plater profile do you use for arena? would really like to get those 🙂
Lol you say if you don’t have enough gold for minor glyphs don’t worry (they cost at max 5g) but then just say it should be easy to farm 7k for a prebis ring that gets replaced quickly…. Imo don’t buy this ring. It’s not worth the gold unless you’re floating in gold from having bought it.
Isn’t haste better than crit?
Can we get an Addon video??
Love from Florida 🙏🏻
Is armageddon not better than the jawbone?
Nice, this guide is definitely best, thank you SC <3
What about reaping for death runes?
Race is not a "slot"
Hey guys, is DK/Rogue a good 2s comp, or should I stick with Feral/Rogue?
Could you please post the eightyupgrades link so we have all the info for the BiS?
why the persistent as orc?
So you're saying to stack like 50-60% stun reduction as orc, but if you're not orc then you don't want any?
Playing unholy dk in Wotlk classic. Or feral Druid
I wish this was for retail.
If your stat priority is Strength > AP > Resi, why do you value the resi leg enchants over the AP leg enchants? Do we need that much more bulk from the 40 extra resil?
Great guide!! Thank you for this.
I'm a bit unsure on one part of the stat prio tho .. Is cloak enchant and stacking +20 spell pen gems the only way of reaching the 130 cap?? Needing to allocate 6 gem slots seems .. abit much? If that's what it is, it's what it is .. But any input from anyone would be appreciated!
Could we get feral guide ? Please
i know skill caped from.. omg 2010? dear god… very very cool video! tnx guys) btw im playing dk first time.. on classic. All the time playing only 2 classes : rogue and shadow priest, but i wanna say DK IS VERY FUN!
amazing how yall claim to be experts but dont even know how to spec… and just basically reads abilities and tells what they do like as if a mofo cant read..
love hes voice