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Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um bis zu 250 $ Rabatt auf Ihren Apex Gaming-PC zu erhalten! Wenn …
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W title
First comment and biggest fan
how old is this recording , doc double stim looks so weird now
Keep up the amazing work I’m thinking about getting a apex gaming pc because of u thanks man
Love your vids shawk
i've seen this footage before i swear.
The clickbait is CRAZY
Does this guy just keep reuploading old videos?
Yeah unsubscribed
I'm sitting here listening to your banter about getting older and feeling my own bones turn to dust knowing I am older 😅
The clickbait is getting worse, the csgo, now railgun lmao 😭
Hi shawk nice to see you dropping another banger albeit a little clickbait 😂 lots of love man
Were you and your friend high playing on sky? 😂😂😂😂
hey shawk czn you coch me i dont have money
“Im so depressed stawppp 😝🤪”
i love your content but you gotta think of better titles/thumbnails bro
Lame old clips again
Aahh the empress m4
No more old gameplay please 😢 you still a goat tho
Why is bro posting old clips 💀
why does everybody in the comments under these vids just meatride this dude to death while he clickbaits garbage content?
maybe games from this season would be nice
guys dont buy a pc from that website there pcs are complete ass 1k ofr a 1650 is just bad please dont buy one
This video is again 6 months old dude pissing me off
ubi cant do good skins
It’s a old video 😂 I mean doc heals full HP Xd
how’s that hand bro
I’ve had a full time job for 4 years and I’m 20 and before that several part time jobs. So it’s nice to see people living a life I thought I would have.
common bank L
Actual good youtube sponsor clip
I love looking at the csgo skin thumbnails 🤣🤣🤣