Im about to drop the best piece of advice on a youtube shorts comment section. When crossing any curve on the wall, jump. Instant speed boost, its usefulness lies in surprising opponents. Lemme paint a scenario, you have the ball at the nose of your car and you are dribbling it to the wall with the intent of going up it, jumping at the curve will boost you and opponents who were trying to challenge will be thrown off.
Te lo digo en español porque me da flojera pensarlo en inglés.
Pero eres el mejor coach de Rocket, das consejos realmente utiles y ko divagas en las mismas banalidades de otros "coaches". Gracias amigo, thnx friend.
The worst feeling in Rocket League is when you witness all your friends getting better than u in front of your own eyes, and u see no improvement in yours
First. and ty again for the tips
Nice tip! I used it in competitive and saw some good results 👍
thanks for the help!!
Thanks 👍🏼
Hey i need treining and i don’t now how to get it can somepody help me
How do you wave dash?
Which decal is he using
Tune !
Im about to drop the best piece of advice on a youtube shorts comment section. When crossing any curve on the wall, jump. Instant speed boost, its usefulness lies in surprising opponents. Lemme paint a scenario, you have the ball at the nose of your car and you are dribbling it to the wall with the intent of going up it, jumping at the curve will boost you and opponents who were trying to challenge will be thrown off.
Te lo digo en español porque me da flojera pensarlo en inglés.
Pero eres el mejor coach de Rocket, das consejos realmente utiles y ko divagas en las mismas banalidades de otros "coaches". Gracias amigo, thnx friend.
Luke can u give me some tips to get out of d1
The worst feeling in Rocket League is when you witness all your friends getting better than u in front of your own eyes, and u see no improvement in yours
Don't do this.
I cant wave dash to save my life and i watched so many videos to learn still cant get it
Is there a way when your hiring the ball on the ball and then hit away I need a fast way to get down
I already did this😂