Ich trete gegen einige sehr starke Gegner an und gebe Tipps und Tricks, wie man diese Karte und diesen Spieltyp besser spielen kann. Ich habe das eingefangen …
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Ich trete gegen einige sehr starke Gegner an und gebe Tipps und Tricks, wie man diese Karte und diesen Spieltyp besser spielen kann. Ich habe das eingefangen …
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good video
Good vid dude ! And ill shall use these tips
Good game, fire and bonz seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time a lot throughout the video, and if they pushed with you more than playing passively everyone and awhile throughout the game, you could have easily gone to overtime
All these videos about how to play a certain game type on a certain map are interesting and might be helpful sometimes, but if you really want to help more players get better, you should break down the basic gunfighting skills more often I think. If you are not able to outshoot an enemy or kill him even if you are full shields while he is weak, how on earth do you want to do a strategic push? I have quite a bunch of map/spawn/movement knowledge by now but I still get killed by players I should have already killed just because I miss my shots or I throw nades at the wrong time. Power positions, angles and timing are really important and can get you a lot of kills, but tips on basic gunfighting could be really helpful in my opinion.
Genesis, i think you should show short clips of great moments and analyze them similar to the full game reviews that you already do. i think that would become very popular and help expand your channel.
Out of curiosity, why would u vote for neutral flag over normal ctf? I feel like neutral flag is a bit…. pointless almost. Still a good game. Cheers
Lets say you have the flag in your base and you almost have control of the flag-respawn area. Then an enemy player comes in to kill you in your base and you have no teammates around, would you suggest capping the flag before he kills you or not capping it and hoping your team stops this enemy from pulling the flag too far until you can regain control of the flag-respawn area.
Usually i am more or less fine with what you talk about in your tips & tricks videos however this time i felt like your team did some serious mistakes you didnt talk about too much. But first of all i would like to mention that the enemy for sure had more experience playing this gametype and yet still failed playing the gametype correctly and was overall kind of bad! They used way too much gausshog which would usually give you the possibility to run flags. Your Team though never actually worked together nor did they controll dominion B, beam rifle or gausshog-spawn at all. Whenever it was necessary to use the hog your team didnt really use it(not sure whether there was no good driver or just not enough communication). If you would have always had one (or Maximum two) guys with beamrifle on Dom-B you probably would have won. I am not sure about this but it seemed like your team had host which gives you a huge advantage on a map like Exile. Next time try to slow down the gameplay to work on better puhes the enemy team wont be able to defend at all(especially do that as long as the enemy team is not in a good position to make a move theirselves).
Brisingir was trash he went neg 20 lolololol