26 Gedanken zu „Top Champions to SOLO CARRY GAMES in Patch 12.15 – League of Legends“
  1. Jungle Taric is too op, I get it the lightrocket hype got a lot of scrubs playing him, but he really has everything as a jungler. Fast early clear, best counter ganks and utility in the role, great early dueling that everyone underestimates, some of the most versatile build paths of any champ there’s just so much that he offers!

  2. I’ve been playing illaoi exclusively. She’s not hard once you learn to play around the tentacles and she can win soooo many matchups especially in low elo. Also, it’s incredibly easy to tilt the other laner which tilts their team. Incredible at solo pushing for the win and incredible in team fights, especially at choke points. The healing, damage, and ability to 1v5 is staggering

  3. Am a 1.6mil mastery fiddlesticks. While fiddle is very strong post 6, and has received stat buffs to improve his early game, but you are still a caster minion pre6 and post6 when ult is down. Position smart, have solid vision control, and ALWAYS KEEP Q UP AND OFF COOLDOWN. It is your best peeling tool and great against invades and counterganks (it is also very funny to Q and Yi in his ult, and watch him speed off in the other direction).

  4. I recently picked up Aatrox not know he’s strong right now or even ever going against him and I love playing him but one thing me and my gf do is me play heimerdinger boy with Lux support it’s just a fun broken combo

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