Von SpookLuke

40 Gedanken zu „This ONE THING is Ruining Your Defense | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. Would the best play here not have been for him to just swing wider and get back post and have his teammate challenge instead? Genuine question so if you know the better play can you please explain it and how Im wrong? Im not tryna make conflict just trying to improve, ty! 🙂

  2. dude if you go to the corner it just leaves the net wide open for a couple seconds. and if they are actual decent at the game it dosent matter which side of the net your on if they can get some power. just go far post. it will work up till ssl or even farther

  3. got a solid question can u pay for a coach and instead of doing what he says
    do what u think is right like a example
    he says you should have shadowed instead of challenging say yea but i think its better to challenge

  4. You don’t have to time to think when your actually playing bro. It’s not like you can pause the game and decide we’re to position, especially when your high rank you have to be quick.

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