Von SpookLuke

45 Gedanken zu „THIS „Mechanic“ is GARBAGE… ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. Gotta disagree here, front flipping takes longer to get wheels back on the ground and not to mention, you can decide to not actually wave dash when you see the play not heading in the direction you thought it was, where as with front flipping you don't get that chance. Wave dashing with power slide can be very useful as well in many scenarios depending on your car control.
    Edit: but plats should definitely not be wave dashing around the field… but also they shouldn't be front flipping everywhere either.

  2. A flip is more of a commitment than wavedashes, it's worth it to flip when you know exactly where you want to go and what's about to happen, but if you aren't sure, a flip can be risky, enter wavedashes. If the play changes you can simply decide not to use it at the last second, or use it to the side or backwards to slow down if that's what you want to do. Personally i disagree with this particular tip vid

  3. I feel like everyone in the comments is saying they disagree with this video, then proceeding to explain why they agree with this video but don’t realize it. Video was short and could have gone into more depth to help prevent confusion

  4. Don't agree with this. Wavedashes are great alternatives to flipping, if you're in a scenario where you may or may not need to bail out of the boost forward. Flipping locks you into a direction and movement.

  5. im glad that the community isnt feeling this video iether, you asked for wave dash clips in your discord just to roast your own community WOW dude. glad my clip didnt make it in here, mine wasnt a fail and mine was actually very usefull and got a goal doing a fake with 0 boost but if i was a noob or one of the "plats" in your video i would butt hurt about it. you asked for help for your video nobody would of sent you anything if they knew you where going to shit on them. messedup if you ask me especailly because this is completely untrue and not even great advice, most of the people doing those fail dashes have the right idea and got the advice from a pro or ssl.. they will get there in time unless the deside to start doing stupid front flips all game never being in position to do anything when the play quickly moves to them.

  6. Ummm what about control ? Since if you flip… you ccant change the direction meanwhile wavedashing for a challenge you can control the direction on the ground after the wavedash… another thing: Double wavedashing is faster than 2x front flips. Learning Wave dashes early will make players a beast in later ranks

  7. You should introduce the lower level Rocket League players to the wave dash mechanic, and then tell them it’s used in dire scenarios, and typically any other mechanic would be a better one to use. This way, they can try it out themselves, and experiment with different situations, and find out for themselves when it’s better used, and then later when they become high Diamond, or even GC, when they master it, they will be much less likely to overuse the mechanic

  8. In this I will disagree like others but for my own reasons I simply think flips can put you out of position. Wave dashes are almost a low risk in speeding up. I understand your points though and I do agree that lower ranks should not focus on wave dashing first that is if they wanna get better.

  9. I can't remember who said it, but if you have somewhere to be: flip. If you don't, or you're being defensive: don't flip, stay open for a manuever. It may even have been here I heard that. I like this logic. Ground wave dashes allow you to change your mind mid movement, similarly to no flip at all. If you're offensive with a flip or dash, no big deal. Allows you to confidently close the gap.

    Plus, it's a good way to keep a metric of how your car moves with air control sensitivity. Maybe you're cold or needing to reassess your tactics, either way it's like a stretch for me in my first game or two. Gets my mind focused on the movement, making wall dashing or wave dash cancels much easier to lock into muscle memory for the session.

    Tl,dr: I agree with you, and could find ways to disagree. Think the game needs more fresh movement and tactics all the time, so I'd never suggest people lock down one style.

  10. tell that to rocket science.. also you just cant react if a ball fly's towards you at a moments notice. i cant tell you how many times a wave dash has saved me.. and I can do a speed kick, and I can definitely say that a wavedash comes DAMN close to a speedkick. and I actually consider it to be a great counter to the speedkick.. I just cant agree with this, its not useless nor garbage by any means.. sorry.. Not to mention, it helps conserve boost! 2 wavedashes while pulsing boost on the landing gets you SS, it takes 3 wavedashes to get SS without boost

  11. I have 5k hours, and i wavedash like this all the time. In fact. I always do a wavedash kickoff. And even at gc2-3 ive been completely beaten by a fast kickoff maybe twice. It gives you a very stable position close to the ball to react to any kickoff the other player might do

  12. okay, so like many others, i disagree with this. for moving your car quickly around the field when you have no boost, wavedashing can be alot more efficient than flipping, if you get some good wavedashes, you can chain tthem for a much better acceleration than flipping. on top of this, wavedashing can help pull of a small pass or entrance into a 50, where flipping would get your wheels to touch the ball. there has been many times where i'm out of boost and someone is challenging me. the worst case here is you losing the 50, as the opponent has more momentum and more control, but you can wavedash into an infield pass and give your teammate a shot or open net. in 1s, it's common to be stranded in the opponents half with little boost if you overcommit, it happens. but wavedashing can get you back faster if you are good at them.

    EDIT: you can also turn straight out of a wavedash, making it a great option if you don't know where the play is going next, and need a bit more momentum to keep up.

    tl;dr: i disagree, wavedashes are good when used right, and can easily beat a lower ranked defense.

  13. i personally can answer onw of these, the wavedash kickoff (done properly) gives more stability and is easier to aim, you also accelerate faster than just a diagonal kickoff, tho not as fast as a speedflip, you will get more power coupled with a well timed dodge on the faceoff ive had good results from it, and i use it as im rotating back to conserve my boost for making that nice and juicy save

  14. well the lower level wavedash exaples you shown were a bit too slow i bassicly jump much lower so they are much quicker and i usualy use it onece or twice for recovery when im out of boost, also t use them mosty of the walls

  15. major disagreement bud, wavedashes help you not completely commit in one direction like a forward flip does, because you can also wavedash into a powerslide and hold momentum, don't pick apart a singular direction in one skill, it's not useless

  16. I disagree. There are lots of situations that wavedashing is useful. Even ground to ground. If you’re low boost or have to wait on the play to develop but still want to gain speed. I think you definitely downplayed the mechanic in this one. It’s one of the earliest mechanics players should start learning imo.

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