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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Check …
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I haven’t laughed this hard in YEARS😂😂😂😂 MORE OF THIS PLEASEEE!!!!
I would love to see you at Dallas Leth, as that’s only half an hour from where I live, but I’m on vacation! Have fun and stay outta the boiling heat in Texas!
6:43 i wanted to know about the rock tag 🙁
I love how the thumbnail is so lightly edited. You took a picture of you from the gym and replaced the weights with octanes. I couldn't find anything else different
The drives aren’t bad if u have something to entertain u
Lol you censored the rock picture answer but Retals left it in his video x)
i need proof of the thumbnail. i need to see you lift some cars.
You’re passing through Missouri? Come see me in ozark 😧
I say this to my gf all the time and she makes fun of me for it, but I swear I do better playing right after a workout
I hope ssg will win but something says if they win in the first round they would go against moist so I mean they would lose to moist
Yooooo leth, am gonna be at worlds, save me a sticker lol
Buff leth session boiizzz
I've started doing 10 push ups every loss I have and then I start doing better. It's kinda weird how that works
If I focus on arms for a workout I can't play anything competitive for a day or so. It seems I can't control the force of my inputs as well.
Yo no cap I know what you mean I’m a GC2 but after a workout I feel top 100 lol
*Ft. Worth. NOT Dallas. WE are NOT the same
leth always advertises that pro controller sometimes then says his controller is always acting up lol…
leth u gotta start playin other games
This game so easy Missed open net so many time
Leth should come out of retirement for next season for a yt series. Just play one full season then retire again cuz I truly believe he could still be top level in rlcs.
Leth is telling the truth after a workout I solo queued and we went on to a 6 minute long overtime in which me and my teammate had a total of 9 saves in diamond
Safe travles leth hope yall have fun!
Day 2 of asking for rocket league roller champions. I was thinking this might look great with the gridiron football too!
I've definitely found that after working out I've been better. I peaked in C1D3 after a run and protein shake
thumbnail makes me uncomfortable
Dude started the vid saying that the workout was a cheat code then every other time he hit the ball would follow it with "that was so bad, sorry"
Leth talking about controllers and saying "I'm about needing one" is definitely going to have controller advertisments all through his social websites!
nothing but respect for these FLOPPERS
Lmao 1:44 happens to me all the time. But in my case its just human error rather than the controller. Great vid love your stuff leth
Hey Leth, love that you're coming down to the great state of Texas.
One thing though.. The RLCS worlds is at the Dickies Arena, which is located in Fort Worth, not Dallas.
Coming from someone who has lived in Texas for 30 years, I personally would avoid Dallas. While you are in Fort Worth and are looking to go out for a fun night, I would go hit up the Stock Yards.
You have a few days until you get here, so polish up on how to Two-Step. Hope y'all have a great time out here.
P.S. It's hotter than satans d*ck out here, so bring tank tops and drink a ton of water lol
Can someone send link for leth discord server
I’ve been using this trick for years to compete in the top 1ish % in CoD, Rainbow, Overwatch, PUBG and now RL. Working out lowers anxiety, boosts confidence, and increases blood flow for faster reaction time, no hesitation, and improved mood (no tilt). Leth says working out is a cheat code for RL, but really it’s a cheat code for life. As a pilot, I make sure I always get at least a light workout before I fly.
Leth, am I having extreme deja vu, or was this video already uploaded? Oh, maybe it was in a former Retals video? I remember your conversation about the open net pack.
@1:40 my friends and I have had this exact thing happening to us sense the update.
Bro leth I want another picture with you, I got you in LA and now I got my SSG merch
Leth or Retals, preferably Retals, why is Retals clan name ROCK instead of SSG?
is leth canadian?
i went to worlds for robotics in dallas
bruh if you're gonna drive 24 hours you are not saving money, just fly
Leth's actual controller rn
I don’t know if you’re driving through chicago or the area there but if you do
Please please please try portillos you’ll love it I promise
That or deep dish pizza from Lou Malnatis
it’s true. when i play any game after i workout i’m 10x better
You should totally make an episode outside of RL where you take us through esports pro player workout routine and cover how it translates to in-game benefits, be it stick control, reactivity, etc for each exercise!
If this comment gets 10k likes, leth has to compete again!
6:44 I wonder if this “spicy info” was about retals leaving SSG. Bc that kind of thing doesn’t just happen out of nowhere, and was way too coincidental that word broke on it a Day after Worlds ended..
This can’t be true leth doesn’t work out he’s an ssl