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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Check …
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Just a suggestion but if you ever decide to do this series again you should record the entire series before you upload it so that no one recognizes you and you get a more authentic experience to the average player
Dreamworks presents how to train inner ssl step 1 be an ex pro step 2 step one already got u there
Do merczy (mertzy)
but hes a merc
Leth can you please do a free for all rocket league map so basically a square field and four goals and it’s a 1v1v1v1 GENIUS
Leth Please do Arsedog
I wouldn't worry about picking up the pace in GC3 since the difference between gc3 and ssl will be your pacing.
What about Nolly berry? A holly berry ripe with fresh Nollys.
Hey Leth Can You Make
Ms. Rizzo
Its Ms. Frizzle From Magic School Bus But with Rizzos Face
Tm8: gets carried by leth who scored over a thousand and no one else in the lobby cracked 600.
Leth: intentionally misses an easily saveable shot to keep possession so his team can score 5 seconds later
Tm8: well that looked like an open net from my perspective so you're clearly not leth
What a doofus
Hey Leth, loving the content recently, even have been watching past videos that I've missed since stopping watching you. Wanna ask rq tho, do you need bakkesmod for the mmr counter?
Leth try and 1v1 Panda I really want to know who the better player is.
I feel like if let’s did commentary for RLCS that would bang
Awesome video as always! <3 I just wanna point out, that we seriously need a compilation of Leth creating all these memes! 😀 Maybe Leth2 video? 🙂
why do u keep making random pics ?
If you don’t wanna keep getting noticed, I suggest you change your name every episode. You could even change it to the meme of the day! Much love ❤️
Just dawned on me what Rlcartographer meant. Nice
What's crazy is leth is still to collect his plat rewards
Leth when did you first hit ssl? i love you r videos!!!!!
You should do Mr.beastmode
I'm top 1% and I'm still bad.. maybe I'll get good when I reach top 0.1% (never)
Would love to see what picture he could make for methamyr
Watching Leth’s teammates make plat positional errors at GC3 proves RL players improve their mechanics as they rank up…but still see ball, chase ball
Whats ur camera settings
Leth make that name in the Next Video, Squishy at a Shusi
show the season stats for that account when done, would be funny to see 90+% win rate
6:16 DID I JUST SEE A PRO PLAYER CHEAT?!?!?! :OOO (its at 6;18 when he does it) also im jk
can't believe i'm watching a video from a fake leth
Step one to being top 1% beta pc