1. Hoping Enh gets some love sometime. Viable comps are few, defences are very meh, (Preemptive Shifting and damaging-sacrificing quick-to-OOM self-heals), backing off to reset fights is a challenge, and the kit just feels like a mess.
    Viable talent choices are also pretty bleak.

  2. more than likely against a restro druid either you one shot the target or you will never see them dying by using cyclone constantly it is quite hard to take down a target while still staying alive against 2 enemies

  3. This video is a bit confusing because its a mixture of 'good specs at low rating' (which is what it should be) and 'good off meta specs'.
    They should have just made two seperate videos. This list is blatantly impacted by the fact that they are targeting specs that are off meta as well as being good at low rating.

    I don't disagree with DH and DK being on the melee list, but theres no way Fury Warrior shouldn't be as well. It's not hard to play, has great sustain, pressure and survivability. It can easily carry in low rating.

    This video would have been better if it was just what the title suggests, specs that are strong at low ratings (regardless of their popularity). Then make a different video which looks at specs that are uncommon but still good. This video being half one half the other just makes it incomplete and thus kind of pointless.

  4. Anyone knows if there are still alot of boosters in low cr ? I found that it was very difficult to climb out of the 1400 range at beginning of shadowlands with alot of boosters playing kyrian pally… Not sure if this is still a thing.

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