Von SpookLuke

36 Gedanken zu „The WORST WAY to Rotate | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. This video is definitely very helpful. I see a lot of my Diamond tm8’s making this mistake and having this video here will make a lot more games smoother and overall a better experience. Thanks for the tips Luke! â€đŸ”„

  2. See my back rotations are both of these but i never bump a teammate as i play around them still but if i find being on the line i came from the better option for a defensive play i will take that option i dunno somtimes i feel like a full through rotation could leave u in a bad spot

  3. I'm definitely guilty of this, and I think it's because I'm terrified of blocking the shot by pushing past the opposing goal after setting up something like a pass from the corner. I'm assuming it's still something to be conscious of when rotating out, but better to do overall.

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