Von Lethamyr

49 Gedanken zu „The TRUTH behind Sunless' „perfect“ car…“
  1. SK changing his car speed gave me an idea for a custom mode you should make happen:
    SLOW MO rumble power! Imagine you just play normal 3s but whenever you keep the rumble power button pressed you move in slow mo so that controlling air dribbles and tight touches becomes a lot easier while the rest of the players remain at normal speed or their own slow mo button.

  2. Dont get bumped bro. Especially not from behind! You would get demoed…
    Also its kinda logical…the bigger the thing, the worse it flies…….right?
    Id write more puns but Im worried even this might get deleted 😀

  3. In sunless's video I got the impression no one won with it but this video says otherwise, however I am seeing that this car would actually be good for my playstyle because I'm not all that mechy and I'm more of a grounded player. on the ground I can (at my best) hold Nexto off from scoring for about 2 – 3 minutes. I know that sounds like nothing to you but for me a D3/C1 player it means alot.

  4. The real thing sunless left out, is the fact that he had more MMR than you🤣🤣🤣, I'm console so idk how it works if it's casual or private match MMR or something but he still has more, shame shame

  5. A while back didn’t you guys make a bigger field for 4v4s? You should go back to that and have like a 2v2 and everyone gets this car
    Can everyone like this so Leth can see it
    Leth if you see this please respond to it

  6. Imagine if rocket league had different “class” cars. Striker class, Defensive class, and…support class? Each with different stats such as acceleration, speed, boost, hitbox size, arial agility, and turning radius for example. Thoughts?

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