Von SpookLuke

29 Gedanken zu „The TRICK To Ranking Up In Rocket League“
  1. The place this fails is when you do wait for your teammate to do what they want, and then when the ball is yours, even your touch, and then they come flying in to hit it randomly because they aren’t playing around you

  2. Play hella defensive to rank up. Unless you're playing with higher ranked friends. Then you gotta communicate to them that you're trying to get better and reach their rank and hopefully they will understand and play more defensive so you can work on offense more. Along.with this the ability to communicate and communicate quickly and precisely is key. At this point I don't even say regular words. I make a noise like whoosh and my teammate knows I just faked and will play defense until I say back

  3. I so agree with you right here. i play around tm8s a lot but then so now and then i get a tm8 that plays around me and we end up playing around eachother. Kinda dumb situation bc we arent putting asmuch pressure as we should just because we keep having a eye on eachother lol

  4. I'm scared cuz I almost diamond & can't air roll to save my life.. i just take the ball up the wall & leave it & climb back down to catch it on the ground😂😂

  5. Y’all are failing to realize this is ANY rank of u push or challenge the ball with your teammate there’s a high chance and a very high chance that it’s getting a cleared to your net and this dosnt matter how good you are it’s common sense u challenge with your teammate your coverage is limited but then again not all teammates know this and will challenge the ball when u have possession so I understand where some of y’all are coming from

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